Does anyone else ever experience unpleasant physical and/or psychic sensations when pulling tarot cards? This happens to me from time to time. I regularly cleanse my deck so I’m wondering if I need to incorporate some sort of grounding? It was a pretty intense reading this time (was doing a spread to examine the spiritual lessons/recurring themes of past relationships) but sometimes it happens when it’s not an intense or significant reading.
Hey @SerenFox,
This hasn’t happened to me before, at least not in a negative way… can you describe what you’re feeling?
There could be so many reasons for this… as you said, it was an intense reading, so it could literally be that, or perhaps there’s something internal going on, maybe the cards are having issues… possibilties are endless. Maybe you could ask them what the issue is?
My process for a reading is usually the same, but there are a few times I haven’t done it because I just wanted to draw cards. I put on meditation music, with forest sounds because that works for me, I ground myself in the moment with deep mindful breaths, then I warm up the magic makers - I rub my hands together lol - then I hold the cards in both hands, and tell them the purpose. Whether it’s a Q & A, a particular spread, or just advice, I just tell them what I’m looking for and transfer my intentions to the cards, then I shuffle them very thoroughly, cut the deck at least once, then I draw the cards.
Do you have more than one set, are there possible issues there… you could always wait a while and try with a different deck. I only have 2 sets of cards, I don’t want any jealousy or anything… I don’t even know if they’d get jealous, but hopefully you know what I mean. Also, I keep a selenite stick in the pouch with my cards, so I dont need to worry about cleansing them regularly, I’d totally forget lol.
I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful, hopefully one of the lovelies have experienced this and will have words of wisdom for you.
x Blessed Be x
So normally I feel a low level of “vibrations” or psychic energy whenever I touch my cards. I shuffle them thoroughly, cut the deck twice, then spread them out on the table and run my fingertips over the cards as I’m asking the question (if I’m asking a question) then I will feel a stronger vibration and I will select that card. What I was trying to describe above is that when I’m doing this, sometimes that stronger vibration is a lot stronger than usual and causes unpleasant sensations in my body like headaches or momentary disorientation or even feels like it takes my breath away for a second. Maybe it’s not even negative. Maybe I am assigning judgement where it doesn’t need to be, I don’t know. Now that I’m thinking about it, it hasn’t happened with any other deck, but I have always had a strong connection with this one and the readings are usually spot on.
I appreciate your insights.
I’d say based on this and the mention of it only happening with one deck, it could be the deck’s way of making sure you’re paying attention to the right card(s). Headaches and disorientation aren’t necessarily a negative thing. It might be your body’s reaction to an overwhelming-to-you burst of energy as the deck basically yells for you to pay attention.
Hmm that is interesting. I guess I will take special note of those particular cards it happens with then. Ty so much!
You’re welcome! If you’d rather avoid the side effects of that happening, it might be worth asking the deck to communicate urgency in a different way. For example, rather than the stronger energy, maybe the deck radiates more warmth over the card it wants you to choose.