Happy Black Cat Tarot Spread

Hello Everyone,

Have you done your spread for Black Cat day? If not, then I am sharing the Happy Black Cat Tarot Spread with you all. Please have a look:

How To Start: Make sure that you are relax, use a dedicated space to spread and do not rush.

1ST CARD: NAMING THE FEAR: You may have more than one fear, but this one needs addressing. Now. Recognize it, acknowledge it or name it and be ready to face it.

2ND CARD: THE ROOT OF THE FEAR: Cause or the root of the fear must be understood and fully accepted.

3RD CARD: FEEDING THE FEAR: This fear has grown and stayed with you, it has been fed and somehow “nurtured”. How are you feeding this fear? What are you doing (or not doing) to make it stay?

4TH CARD: CONSEQUENCES OF THE FEAR: How is this fear affecting your life today? What opportunities is it keeping away from you?

CARDS 5+ 6: HOW TO LET GO? Look at the consequences if you cannot let go your fear and try to find out the remedy of it. You’re ready to let go. But how?

Reference: Louise, (October 30, 2016), Black Cat Tarot Spread – A Custom Halloween Layout, https://tarotparlor.com/blog/halloween-tarot-spread-tutorial-the-black-cat/


What a cute spread for Black Cat Day- the cards are arranged like a cat! :black_cat: :heart_eyes: Black Cat Day is already over where I’m at, but I think it’d be a perfect spread to do at any time of the year :blush: Thanks for sharing @Princess_Tara!


so creative