Didn’t get home in time to catch it while it was red, but she is beautiful. Hope everyone had a wonderful Sturgeon Moon.
She is lovely
I was dragged out of bed to see the moon when it finally came out very late last night- but it was worth it! From here she looked more orange-brown than red, but it was still wild to see I was half-asleep and forgot my phone though (not that I have a track record for taking good pictures of the moon- my phone doesn’t like night time )
Thank you for capturing her in all her beauty, @Shadeweaver- this is a great picture! Hope you had a blessed full Sabbat moon!
That’s so pretty! Thank you so much for sharing!
I’m a “bad witch” and always forget there’s a full moon, even when it’s on my calendar! thanks for sharing the picture with us here!
Beautiful picture of our Lady! She had orange hue to her last night. Probably from all the smoke from the Canadian wild fires. I plan to do a Sturgeon Moon ritual either tonight or tomorrow, since since last night was a Sabbat and I wouldn’t have had the energy for both.
The moon was great warming site to see. I was able to catch the moon with still a tint of orange. I also made moon water and charged my crystals. Along with sitting and bathing in her moonlight such a sweet feeling.
On my way home, I caught a glimpse of Her while She was red. Then farther down the road I saw Her as She changed to yellow, but by the time I got home and finished my chores She was the bright white you see in the pic above. She is beautiful no matter which color robe She wears.
Lovely, @AileyGrey! Simply lovely!
I love it!!! I spent two of the nights charging all of my crystals, bracelets, and tools.
Welcome to the forum @Rockford
Gorgeous photos @AileyGrey and @crystal59
@Rockford Welcome. Nice to meet you. I’m Tracy from England.
You both got great shots too, @AileyGrey and @crystal59!
Welcome, @Rockford- make yourself at home here!
This Sturgeon Moon was absolutely stunning!! My 8 year old son, however, was able to see “the man in the moon,” for the first time and it scared him to death He loves making Moon water with me, otherwise! (He recently got new glasses so I’m thinking he just couldn’t see it as clearly before). ANYWAY happy full moon and happy Lammas!
These are all amazing pictures of the moon thank you for sharing them! I don’t have any pictures of the moon, but I did spend at least a few minutes outside with her - and I did two different healing spells last night!
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