Hark Lenormand Enthusiasts!

This is exciting!

Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin are well known witches that are creating a Lenormand deck that includes a free class on best use methods.

They wrote the first commercially published book with Llewellyn and were the first to re-produce the original Lenormand deck.



It’s cyberpunk themed! :star_struck: I love it! :black_heart:


I’ve come so close (:pinching_hand: ) to getting a Lenormand deck a few times, but still haven’t made the jump! I still haven’t gotten over the bad experience with my first Oracle deck and have just been sticking with trusty Tarot :sweat_smile:

Really beautiful to see this deck, though- and it sounds like it is being made by experts! Thank you for sharing, @Wysteria_Norn! :heart: :raised_hands:


I’m also sticking with tarot for now. I haven’t even tried any other tarot decks yet! But I like the structure of tarot itself so far. And I kind of want more experience before I expand into different things, like the Lenormand style. With all I have on my plate right now, it seems like a good reason to wait… I suppose? :sweat_smile:


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