Has anyone worked with King Solomon and spirits?

@starborn I did the ritual, I modified it slightly in that I removed the circle as I wanted a direct contact with Loki.
Here’s how it went. At first, I got muddled as I forgot the sequence and had to stop and re-read my notes. :person_facepalming::joy:
But then, I lit my altar, made him a coffee, made myself one too, to join him.
Then drew his sigil and my bind rune for his name which I combined with his sigil.
Did the meditation and then said his name 3 times.
At first, it was still, then I felt nervous, and then a heavy presence came over me. (I kept my eyes shut as I was a little coward :grin:)
I remember from my last psychic reading, the medium said, if you are talking with spirit, and you want a yes/no, ask them to push you forwards for yes and sideways for no. You work like a pendulum. So I did this.
I asked a few questions of Loki to affirm this was working, and as I sat cross legged, I could feel my pulse increase, and then I rocked forward, first gently, then a bit more. To test this, I asked him to test it out. So for no he rocked me sideways, which isn’t easy, sat cross legged, and for yes forwards. I expressed my thanks to him, and asked him if he was ok with me saying “It is Done”, and as long as I said thanks he was good with this. So I ended our coffee. As soon as I did, I tried to ask him if he could push me again, nothing. I remembered that the medium said, if I stood up, a spirit could, if it wanted still use me as a pendulum, if I allowed it, without ritual. So I did this, just to confirm with Loki if I had done it all right. He pushed me forwards for yes, and sideways when I asked him (he nearly pushed me over lol :partying_face:). So I said cheers and we had coffee together.
It was only a short ritual, but I’ve never done something like this, on my own before, (I’ve only ever done it with a psychic), which was why I wanted it to be Loki, my first demon, as I trust him (and he’s in the book, so he’s a legit demon!:skull_and_crossbones:). It was definitely a strong, dark, heavy, slightly intimidating energy, but I felt totally safe and could feel his care for me.
I will definitely do this again. Fabulous :sparkling_heart: