Hecate and Samhain

I don’t doubt you, or Her, but I have not experienced Her this way. I respect her, but I do not fear her. So far, She has been a wise and patient teacher, who has shown no signs of displeasure with my efforts. She requires effort, and a willingness to to look into your shadow and own it. That seems a fair deal to me - She’s a goddess, not Santa Claus. She has recently taught me to see Her as a Goddess of Light as much as a Goddess of Darkness.

Anyway, I didn’t intend to preach, I just wanted to share my experience.


Yes! this picture is lovely! If it feels right for you then it is. :old_key:


Thank you. One thing that I really am still trying to get my head around is the fact that there are genuinely good people out there who do care about me when they don’t know me from a bar of soap. Which really does take some getting used to after 15 years. Even though I was with him. I did feel alone. Now I’m here I realise that I’m really not. But you’re right there are so many things that I need to learn again. Thank you for being so supportive and understanding.


Thank you. :blush:


excellent! looking for Hekati I found myself here! thank you very much!