Hecate Symposium Online March 10, 2024

There is an online Hecate symposium on Sunday March 10, 2024 for anyone interested. Tickets are available by donation so you can just pay whatever amount you would like. All of the speakers will be recorded as well so if you can’t make it live to some or all of them, you can watch or rewatch them for six months. Looks like a nice way to spend the day!

Here are the presenters: Symposium Lineup

And here’s where you can register for tickets: Symposium Tickets

Quote from the Patreon:

" Hekate Symposium 2024

Join myself and devotees, magical practitioners and others interested in the Goddess Hekate on Sunday the 10th of March from 1pm till after 10pm (UTC / UK London timezone) for presentations, rituals, meditations and panel discussions exploring the Goddess Hekate through visions for the now and future. Recordings of all the presentations (including rituals) will be available afterwards for all ticket holders (for at least 6 months), so do book a ticket even if you are unable to attend live to watch the playback.

It promises to be a progressive gathering with topics covering a wide range of 21st century topics, with some rooted in history - and others born through the creative visions and work of the presenters.

Tickets available through Eventbrite, details are on the Theurgia website - www.theurgia-events.com - and include “by donation” option (with no minimum donation required) to ensure that this event is open to everyone with a genuine interest.

Speakers include (in no particular order): Sorita d’Este, Mat Auryn, Emily Carding, Georgi Mishev, Jennifer Teixeira, Laurie Bianciotta, Francine Derschner, Swastik Banerjee, Kay Gillard, Carrie Kirkpatrick, Myrto Daskaloudi, Christina Moraiti, Monte Plaisance, David Breczko, Tinnekke Bebout, Kenn Payne, Vikki Bramshaw and others.

Don’t forget that on Saturday (9th of March) we also have our next Meeting in the Circle gathering. We will be joined by Karin Rainbird (Wales, UK) who will share some of her extensive knowledge and insights about the Goddess Hekate in the (living) Orphic tradition.

I am looking forward to it - and I hope you are too!

Sorita d’Este
IG & FB @soritadeste "


It’s very kind of them to make the event so accessible!

Thank you for the heads up about the online symposium, @peter3! :pray: :hekate_wheel: :sparkles:


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