Hi all i just wanted to share a snippet from the book Hekate: Goddess of witches by Courtney Weber in Chapter: The dangerous Goddess and the dangerous witch. I found these few quotes very powerful and very relatable in the recent days to my own situation. Hope they give you some insight or at least something to think and reflect on (I know they touched deep for me)… Here goes:
Most Witches have had one or more of the following experiences: the religious conservative person scolding the Witch for their practices, only to ask for a Tarot reading in the next breath; the well-meaning but ignorant friend who, usually after a few drinks, will say that they shouldn’t be the Witch’s friend because their religion or culture says that Witches are inherently evil, only to then brag to their other friends about knowing a Witch; the relative who begs the Witch to give up witchcraft and go to church, but they beg for a love spell to make their ex return. It hurts. It harms. Still, many Witches feel that they should be able and willing to give of their gifts, even to those who harm them. Hey, Witchy friend: I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to give your magick away, prove your power or give any time to people who harm you.
And from the chapter: Keeper of the keys:
…We continue to open doors for each other, deepening our own understanding and unlocking magick for the world. But before we do that, we must unlock ourselves from our own patterns of shame, judgement, and more. We cannot be effective Witches while we are still locked inside proverbial prisons, shaped by culture, personal trauma, or simply not being in touch with our own true wants and desires.