Hello after a bit of a break

Hello, all. Been a while-- busy and stuff but here I am, gracing you with my lovely presence lol.

So I’ve realized HOW haunted my unit is. Stuff is coming off walls that shouldn’t, I’ve had lights flicker at odd times.

Weirdest one was my smoke detector. I live in an apt and it’s the only one (cuz that is how small my unit is, I am legally only needing one). Well for the most part you don’t hear it-- usual times when I shower and don’t close the door or when I accidentally have too much smoke from my cast iron pan. But lately it’s been quiet.

Until recently. It would go off, beeping like it’s the alarm, not low battery. I would wait but it wouldn’t stop so I get up to fan the air…as I get just close enough, it stops. Did it 3 times. Once while on the phone with my best friend and she laughed so hard. I literally told her ‘watch it stop when I get there’ and it did. Did it once after that and I said ‘whoever has been trying to get my attention, you have it, please stop using the smoke alarm’. Hasn’t done it since.

Now yes it could have been smoke, but there was nothing going-- I was watching tv. And for it to go off it would need clear seen smoke. So it was interesting to say the least.


Welcome back! Hmmm, tis the season for a haunting. The veil is getting thinner! :ghost: :jack_o_lantern: :witch_hat: :broom:


I’d love to know who it is. :sparkling_heart:


I did a pendulum and find that I think I actually get some pretty accurate responses. Now I mean, without confirming with hard evidence, of course that is up for debate but still.

I asked and it seems to be a spirit that is lonely and wanting to move on. Female. I asked if she was mean or evil or having bad intentions, thatw as a no. I did say to stop doing things like that, as it isn’t always the best way to catch my attention. It does but it’s scary. So far it’s stopped, tho the lamp in my room is flickering every so often.

It’s funny how since I’ve been working with my third eye and all that, I seem to feel when they are around.


How fascinating. My aunty lives with spirits in all the houses she’s been in. Sometimes we just feel good company. I hope the two of you work something out :sparkling_heart:


Welp, that’s definitely one way to get someone’s attention :joy: I would hate it so much that I would disconnect the smoke alarms!

I hope you’ve been alright, besides the up-tick in spiritual activity. I would say that it’s normal around this time of year :woman_shrugging: but I hope you’re staying protected!


Oh yes I am. I cleanse quite frequently with sage and all that and meditate. I am learning the skills to protect the house. I also will use black salt near the front door of my house. I try to cleanse the house completely but it’s messy and I sometimes am just too tired. I know my room and my daughter’s room are frequently sage’d and I have made sure the 2 mirrors in the house (that’s how small it is, lol) are locked and protected.


@Dierna_Nimue_Selene Welcome back darling!! Glad to see you!

I’m still trying to feel out all this spirit stuff. Sometimes I am cool with it… most of the time I lives by the “I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me” kind of attitude. If you move stuff or pop out in front of me, it’s over! LOL!


Lol that’s my agreement with spiders in my house. If you drop down and below eye level, it’s on like Donkey Kong.

I guess the same goes for spirits. I mean, I do have enough sage to banish them if they jump out and go ‘ooogity boogity’


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