Hello from Georgia

Merry meet @Nimway.99,

I’m Bry, another one of the moderators here in the forum and an Eclectic Witch- wishing you a very warm welcome! :heart:

That is a lovely magickal name- would you perhaps like to wear it as your username here in the forum? If so, it is easy to make the change. I will leave a link here to a guide that can help you make the switch if you choose to do so:

How to Change Your Name and Username on Spells8

If you have any questions or trouble, please feel free to reach out! I and the other Mods are here and happy to help with technical concerns. And of course, your friendly new coven is always happy help with any questions or chats about magickal matters. Make yourself at home here, Nimway! :infinite_roots: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope to chat with you more soon- Blessed be! :sparkles: