Hello, I'm a new witch

Hello. My name is Kayte and I’m new all of this. Been reading and reading. So much to learn.

My best friend and her friend kinda opened this door up to me. They are ‘witchy’ and I love that about them. I have always been interested in wicca and all that comes with it. Just was too scared to make the overall switch til now.

I am 38 years old, single mom of 2 awesome kids that are 12 years and nearly 14 years respectively. I have a weener dog that is 13 years old, a 2.5 year old cat and 2 fish tanks. To say my life is full is an understatement.

Happy to have found this forum! Merry meet!


Hi @Dierna_Nimue_Selene

I’m Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch, from Colorado and it’s nice to meet you. I’m so happy you have “Opened the door” and joined the forum here on Spells 8! Welcome home :infinite_roots: Kayte! I recommend starting with the Courses There are lots of friendly and helpful people here, so if you have any questions, just ask! Q&A I’m looking forward to getting to know you better!

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Hi @Dierna_Nimue_Selene! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

Sounds like you have a busy household! Don’t worry, the courses that @marsha recommended can be done at any time and are really short for all they are packed with information!

Also, keep an eye out tomorrow for a post saying Merry Meet Monday, it’ll have all the news of what’s going on in the community and what activities we’re doing so you can jump right in and have some fun! I look forward to chatting with you!


@Dierna_Nimue_Selene welcome sister. Im Christeena and im 42. U will find so many like minded brothers and sisters here who will welcome and accept all of u with open arms without condescension. If u have questions all u have to do is ask. We are all here to help each other. U will find people from all walks of life and paths. Again welcome!!!


Merry meet @Dierna_Nimue_Selene and welcome to the forum! :blush:

You have kind friends to help guide and support you- and congrats to you for finding your way and embracing your magickal calling! :heart:

No kidding- I bet you have your hands full! Well, there’s no worries at all- it can be really thrilling to get started in magick, and I am sure that you will find ways to balance and weave your practice into your everyday life. There was a challenge a while back about finding simple and easy ways to bring magick into the every day- here is a link in case you’d like to check out the entries the coven shared!

There is a new challenge (as well as other activities) hosted here in the forum every week. Please feel free to jump in and join any that call to you! :blush:

Blessed be, Kayte! :sparkles:


Thanks everyone! It’s amazing how welcoming you are and I’m excited to be here.

I am having fun wandering the site and def be posting any questions

Thanks for welcoming me in!


Hooray! I’m so happy to hear you’re having fun, @Dierna_Nimue_Selene- make yourself at home! :heart:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


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