Hello my sisters! )O(

Hi @triplemoonlove9091! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

Okay, research is your first step. The Courses is a great place to start, and if you have a kindle unlimited account there are hundreds of free beginner books to read on there.

Don’t be afraid to try things out, either! You’re not going to turn yourself into a newt or anything like that so if you find something simple to try, like some of the Spells found on-site, give it a whirl! You might surprise yourself!

I am going to link you to two videos to watch, one by our very own @MeganB, and the other by the Hearth Witch, with good advice to beginner witches. They’re two of my favorite YouTubers when I go down that rabbit hole, so it’s a good place to start there too.

Of course, if you have any questions just ask and someone here will pop up and help you out. I look forward to getting to know you better!


I will watch it, thank you so much! :slight_smile:


Do witches use cloaks anymore during their rituals? Like the head dress cloaks?


Hi Jyssie, I’m Garnet from the Gulf coast of Florida.
I am so glad you dropped by. This is a site filled with caring, concerned and kind people who came together seeking knowledge and a place of safety. To talk about Witchcraft, the many forms of witches and Magick.

Where should i start, as far as finding out what kinda witch i am? I believe i feel more comfortable practicing alone for as my bad experience

I’m so sorry you had a bad experience. On any site if anyone tries to bully or makes you submit to anything you’re uncomfortable, walk away. If such a thing happens contact the Mediators and they will address the issue for you.
I would first of all like to tell you that we never disrespect or belittle each other. Questions are not only welcome, but encouraged.
Check out the Q&A section for a lot of different information and discussions. (Actually the forum is loaded with conversations, from apple pie to drawing down the moon. )
FYI - I would also look under lessons for Online Witchcraft Courses: The Easiest Way to Learn Magic.
It starts with Wicca Self-Initiation Video Course. This doesn’t mean your have to be a Wiccan, because through these lessons they address many aspect of Magick.
FYI - If you look up " ## Search Results for “solitary witch”
There, you will find an easy and complete explanation of different types of Witches. You also get free downloads.
I’m an Eclectic solitary practitioner. I think it goes back to being raised in the 60’s, giving me unresolved resentment to authority figures.
You are most heartily welcomed.
Be blessed, Be Safe and know you are loved.
Garnet :innocent: (innocent)or not. Ha, Ha.


@Garnet thank you! I am from Mississippi, recently moved back from Jacksonville, Florida. I thank you for your consideration, it was no one on here that i had a bad experience with. This was years ago. But thank you for being so understanding and offering up encouragement if anything were to go wrong on this site. What exactly is a Eclectic witch? I have heard of it but not sure what EXACTLY it is? That’s what i want to find out which kinda witch i am that way i can start on MY path. But there is so many different types of witches… :slight_smile: A friend of mine is a solitary witch. But i agree with the one year and a day rule of thumb before deciding to join a coven.


Types of witches

Another link!


Hi, I am new to all of this, so I hope what I say makes sense. What is your passion? What aspect of live gives you the most joy? There you will find the direction on the type of witch you are. Oh, also don’t box yourself in.


Hello! I think you’re already doing great by reaching out and joining sites like this to help you learn. :grin: Reading and researching was the best way for me to start out, and Scott Cunningham has some really good books, but he leans mainly Wiccan. But the most important thing is just to do it!

I am so glad you’re doing it! Best of luck!


Eclectic Wicca takes the best parts from a variety of different traditions and paths to create a unique spiritual journey for the practitioner.
I should have explained that I read the information, but if it doesn’t feel right, I ignore it. What type of Witch you become is up to you.


Ron is giving great advice!


Okay. So i found this really helpful page on the different types of witches. Reading about them…i feel especially drawn to a couple of them and like things they a few of them offer.
I can say this. I don’t particularly care to worship any God’s. To be honest.
Here’s what i gathered…

I was drawn to TRADITIONAL witch because i like and am enjoying very much studying and learning about the history behind witchcraft, the many art forms and different witches there is more to it than i could have ever imagined. I like that traditional witches hold such high regard for tradition and the history. I feel drawn to our ancestors and that’s strange to me because of course i know none of them. But i feel connected like what happened at the Salem witch trials BREAKS my heart. Convicted for their faith, i literally feel their pain and would be honored to to Salem and see where it happened, i feel like it would be VERY emotional and i think ALL witches should go there at some point in their journey and experience that.

I was drawn to ELEMENTAL witch. Because i love working with the elements and i believe it has a ground root in witchcraft.

I felt drawn to a CEREMONIAL witch because of the fact that they hold their rituals and spell casting in especially high regard. I LOVE the high regard aspect for their rituals and such. I didn’t like that they often call on the power of spiritual entities and specific beings.

I felt drawn to A SECULAR witch BECAUSE they don’t worship a deity or a higher being their practice is entirely NON religious. I don’t think i like that they believe that there is no energy in their rituals or spell casting. Because i believe everything is made up of energy, it’s all around us.

I felt drawn to a SOLITARY witch because they can be any type of witch they just prefer to work alone, but i won’t say that i chose to stay to myself or not at some point join a coven.

So i don’t know what to take from this?


Sounds eclectic to me. Solitary and secular seem to describe how you choose to practice. The rest seems like a good place for you to start exploring further. Read and research these things. Try multiple sources, as there will be varying perspectives. Be open to where it may lead you. You may find that your path takes you into areas you never thought it would. That’s okay, because it is your path. No one can tell you it is wrong for you, only you can decide what is right. There are many paths and many truths. You may choose to focus on nature and elements for a while. Maybe that will lead you to the Triple Goddess - or not. Maybe the Universe is your source. Read and go with what feels right to you.


Sounds like you’re eclectic :grin:


There’s such a range in practice. Some people like me just wear their regular clothes. Some people wear a cloak or other special garment or hat. Others do it in the buff. It all depends on your path.


It’s like a buffet, you take what you want and you leave what you don’t. I think if you rely on your experiences, intuition and instincts, and have some fun with it, these answers will come to you quicker than you might imagine! Do the weekly challenges! You don’t have to cast spells to do them and they’re amazing. Witchcraft is like anything – you gotta do it. If you want be a good cook, you could read cookbooks all day and I’m not knocking that but you’ve got to get in the kitchen, get out your tools and ingredients and cook.


Ah, the lovely Mary!

What I put into a long page, you evaporated it down to one sentence.
You are such a precious gem to us.


Thanks you guys for ALL of your advice, knowledge, wisdom and guidance. I feel such love. :heart:

I feel and believe I am also a Eclectic witch as well.

One more question for you guys…

I find myself throughout the day LONGING to get home just to “lock” myself in my room and study, study, study. Research. Study. Research. Study.
It’s ALL I want to do. My fiance said “You’re obsessed my love with perfecting your craft and finding your path.”
But I feel that if I am not studying and learning at that moment, I feel outside of myself. Witchcraft REALLY has a pull on me. Does anybody else find they ever feel this way, like you just want to be alone with it and get lost in it? I mean is this feeling normal? I feel as if I couldn’t have my craft, I would feel lost. Like apart of me was missing.

I study on my lunch break, after work, in the morning, random moments. I just want to be alone with it. If that makes sense.


Yes, there have been times whenI have felt that way. Then there are times when I feel like I am not progressing fast enough and I have to remind myself it’s not a race, be patient, don’t skim the book read the words and fully digest the meaning. (Like now, lol). It has been helpful for me to have a plan. I think of it like college - there’s a certain number of texts I will have read by the time I’m a “sophmore,” but if I don’t digest and implement what I read it will be for nothing ( though let’s be honest, nobody reads every page of every college textbook…). Don’t fear the energy you have for the Craft right now. Use it, revel in it. But don’t allow it to imbalance your life (your fiance did not ask me to say that, lol). Besides, reading and research are more useful than binge watching Netflix, right?


@mary25 this is probably the most accurate thing I have seen. I love how you worded this. :sparkling_heart:


It absolutely is more interesting! :slight_smile:
I just need to find the balance.