Hi @alicia4 I’m Susurrus, another moderator here at Spells8. I’m so happy to meet you!
I started practicing in my teens, which was easier said than done in my home then life happened & I finally returned in 2020. I found Spells8 a couple of months later & I have been here ever since. I can’t really say where I lie right now so I’m just a witch… my practice has evolved more than once or twice since 2020
I do read tarot, we have a lot of people interested in tarot & readings. Spells8 has a Tarot Course as well as a helpful topic within the forum on reading tarot Tarot Poems by The Gifted and Talented Amethyst. The latter has other resources for tarot in there too.
Make yourself at home! Feel free to share anything with us, ask any questions, search the forum for something you may be interested in, jump in on any open topic or feel free to start your own!