Hello to all!

Hi there, I’m almost 60 :hushed: years old and consider myself a beginner. I am glad to be here and learn as much as I can. I live in Texas and have had a hard time connecting to others. I dabble in so many paths such as candles, crystals, herbs, the moon, vibration, nature and Reiki. I had joined another forum but found it wasn’t very active. So far I am liking it here. Thanks!


Hello and welcome. I’m Tracy from England. We’re very active here. :laughing: I practice Nordic Traditional and Runic Witchcraft. Make yourself at home Lovely :green_heart:


Welcome to Spell8. I am also new here as well; I was here few years ago and now I am back. I love that it has a little bit of everything, and they also have classes that you can take to better your craft. Spell8 have a little of everything to help you along the way to get back to your roots for witchcraft. So again Welcome.

Bless it Be!


I love that there are classes. I like to learn new things and new ways of doing things.


Hi, @marina! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s lovely to have you here! And hey, it’s never too late to start a new path. You can be as active as you want here, so don’t be shy. Just find a conversation and jump on in!

I look forward to getting to know you!


Hi! I’m Dan3 and I’m new here, too. I agree with your comment about everyone being nice. There is a lot of things to explore and I’m trying to visit as much as possible.

I’m into meditation and I use Tarot, crystals, runes, and candles for that. I’m also trying to understand more about the, for lack of words, Astral portions of Wicca. A the moment, I’m looking into Chaos magick.


Synchronicities activate! LOL, before I came to this page I was looking up herbs for Chaos magic. I am thinking about making a Chaos jar. I know a certain tRumplestilskin that needs more Chaos. And he needs it before the 20th! So if I have offended anyone… or if this post is illegal, please just remove it.


Merry meet @marina and welcome!

My name is Kat, and I’ve been practicing the craft for over 30 years. My practice is rooted in a blend of nature magick, green magick, and elements of hedgecraft. I work closely with the natural world, drawing inspiration from plant spirits, animal spirits, and liminal spaces. My interests include herbalism, gardening, and divinatory practices like tarot, throwing bones, and Lenormand.

There is a wonderful search function that will help you dig for more information in the forums!

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :acorn: :crescent_moon: :deer:


Thank you for the welcome. I also play with Lenormand. It’s my go to. Tarot has been a bit difficult for me to grasp. But I am not giving up. Thank you for mentioning the search function. I will probably use that one a lot.


I use it at least once a day if not more! :laughing: There is so much information shared in the forum. I’m always amazed when I find something I haven’t seen the first time!


Welcome @marina! I saw you had posted on another thread and looked for your introduction to send you a hello!

I’m Georgia from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hi neighbor! Glad you’re here.


:laughing: I’m studying Chaos to understand belief systems. More of a high altitude view with the intent to see how to apply/change/affect things…


Hello and welcome @marina I’m Amanda from Oklahoma We’re so excited you have joined us


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @marina

It’s nice to meet you, Marina, my name is Marsha. I am an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. Welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


@marina :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Welcome to the family of witches and wizards!
I am Airam from Greece
We wish you a pleasant stay and good magical travels!


Welcome @marina ! It’s great to have you with us! I’m from Minnesota and have been practicing many different aspects of the craft for 35+ years. I currently work with chaos magick, voodoo and divination.

This is a great place for learning and growing. If you ever have questions don’t hesitate to ask. There is always someone who can help you.

Blessings :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Hello @marina,

Welcome to the forum! I’m Bry, one of the moderators and an Eclectic Witch. Thanks for sharing your introduction, it’s very nice to meet you :blush:

There’s always something going on around here in the forum - have you come across the Merry Meet Monday post yet? It has an overview of events, current happenings, activities, important dates/holidays, and more to be aware of. There’s a new one every Monday :newspaper: :sparkles:

Make yourself at home here, Marina! Blessed be.


Thank you all for the welcomes. I’m glad to be here.