Help / Advise needed to break an arabic curse

Does anyone have any advise or suggestions on how to break an arabic curse on a person, building and company?


Hi @sharon23,

Do you have any details about the curse? Maybe who cast it, what ingredients they used, its specific intention, etc?

The more information you have about a curse or hex, the better chance you have of breaking it cleanly and completely.

My practice isn’t Arabic so I wouldn’t be able to give any culture-specific advice, but one magickal practice isn’t inherently stronger than another type of magickal practice. If you have more details about what is going on, the coven may be able to give more specific help for you.

Here is the Curse Detection and Hex Breaker guides- they may have some helpful advice for you!

I’d also recommend the following hex/curse breaker spells (feel free to adapt them to better suit your needs):

Wishing you all the best, Sharon- blessed be!


Try using spell breaker spell frist
Even combo the spell with evil eye removal spell
Then you can also use a spell called hex braker.

Many ways to do this just try and see if anything works


Thank you so much. I will get as much information as possible.


Thank you so much for the feedback. I appreciate it.


Excellent suggestions so far. Like John1 mentioned the Evil Eye in his reply, try to use talismans, colors, herbs, spices, correspondences which have meaning to you culturally…where you may not use or have something yellow or red to dress a candle with, you might try ground saffron…or in a SWEETENING SPELL, to sweeten or soften your enemy’s regard of you …blonde raisins used on your altar, which are used in many Middle Eastern celebration dishes for large groups, etc. Perhaps placing something on an altar, to dress a candle, or in a mojo bag that incorporates some aspect of the building location (soil, a rock from the entrance) or from the town the business or person resides…a spritz of the cologne / perfume the victim uses on the altar, something like that. Most importantly, I have read that whatever you choose, it helps if those items you use in your spells have meaning to YOU. I wish you success!


Thank you so much for the advise.


More information about the curse/hex.

The curse / hex is believed to be one from an old and powerful witch, she is believed to have been hexing/cursing this person over many years.

Does this make a difference? Does this make it more difficult to break the hex/curse?


Hi Sharon,

Thank you for the additional information- it shines a brighter light on the situation and gives us more to examine :mag: :grinning:

Others may have differing opinions on this, but I don’t think there’s a certain amount of time to cast a spell or curse that makes it “unbreakable”. A spell cast in the spur of the moment or a spell cast over 100 years are both able to be cast and thus both able to be undone. We live in a world where the only definite constant is change. All curses and spells can, theoretically, be negated, undone, or will eventually expire.

That being said, intention is what drives, directs, and powers magick- so something cast over and over continuously for a very long period of time is going to be fuelled by a very strong intention. There’s no beating around the bush- it sounds like a very powerful curse!

Do you have any idea about why she has been actively maintaining this curse over so many years?

If she feels she was wronged by this person, deities or spirits of justice/karma may be involved. If someone is paying her to do it on their behalf, then perhaps some kind of agreement could be worked out (not saying that’s the right option here, just a possibility on the table to consider). If it’s some kind of family/ancestor feud, involving ancestor spirits may help remedy the situation.

Any precise details you can work out should be taken into consideration as you build your counterspell- I would then recommend incorporating what you know into one of the suggestions shared in the comments above.

After that (or, rather, in addition to whichever curse breaker you choose), you may also want to layer on some protective spells too :shield: :sparkles:

Blessed be!