I did check for drafts found none even lit another candle to see if it did the same thing and it did not. So if anyone could help me understand this a little better. Thank you!
Since it sounds like you already considered and checked for any mundane explanations, I think you’re right to also consider spiritual causes. This is especially so as this was a ritual candle you used while working with your deity - magickal candles are a good medium to receive magickal messages.
I do have to apologize as moving forms of divination never clicked that well with me - I prefer to stare at and ponder over more stagnant methods like tarot and tea leaves. I took a look at one of the flame reading guides, though, and this is what it says:
Steady, Bright, or High Flame
A steady, bright flame is a surefire sign of success or good luck! If you burned this candle during spellwork, your endeavor is lucrative. If used for divination, this flame portends success and happiness in your life or your question.