Help with offerings

Hey @russell! I hope you’re doing well!

It definitely depends! If you’re working with food offerings, they can be eaten, but also burned or buried, and for some they just go in the trash or compost. It all depends on your deities. For example:

  • In Ancient Greece, offerings to the Twelve Olympians were only a small symbolic amount of the food prepared. The rest was eaten by the festival goers.

  • But the offerings for the gods of the underworld, none of the offerings were eaten at all, because of the uncleanliness associated with these gods.

My advice is not to get too caught up on what to do with the offerings afterwards but instead to see their value as you’re giving the offering. Anyway, here’s an idea:

  1. At night, light some incense on your altar
  2. Say a prayer or meditate while focusing on your deity.
  3. You may leave offerings on the altar and make sure to practice candle safety. Most spirits and gods enjoy incense, liquor and food.
  4. In the morning, dispose of all the offerings in the waste or compost.
  5. If you want, you can go outside and leave the offering (e.g. food) in the woods so the remains can feed the local birds and squirrels.

Having said this, the Charge of the Goddess (inspirational text often used in Wicca) says:

“Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.”

The best offering to the gods are acts of joy, not physical objects. Keep your altar and sacred spaces clean, and share food or company with your loved ones. :pray: