Hi I’m Aimee, Merry Meet!

Hi @aimee_g! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. So glad to see you popping up on the forum. Being a lurker is great and all but I think you’ll have more fun coming out and playing with us!


Hi and Welcome @aimee_g :hugs: I’m a big lurker too :rofl:
I live in Colorado, but I spent a week in Nottingham! I know that doesn’t count but I loved it there, I wish we could have traveled to more places.
So glad you are here :heart:


Miss Aimee, welcome to spells8.
You are absolutely right about social media, a great big gossipy mess.
Here, you are safe. We all came here, beaten down by society and its issues.
One thing I think you’ll like is , there is no bullying allowed, that sold me! I’ve been on site where they mentally assault you. If there are any issues or people that make you uncomfortable. Please let us know so we can deal with the issue. This is such a relaxed and relaxing site.
We, as a group, came together as like minded and gentle people. Do we have everyday problems? Sure, we all do. BUT, we are a great support system and judge no one. I surely, think you’ll like it here.
Blessed Be


Wow you have explored a lot of different paths!
Was this as part of your family (as a child) or your own spiritual seeking? I really respect that. I am not even sure what Messaenic means! I only have one relative who I would describe as even vaguely religious. I think my parents only took us to church to get us into a good school (does it work like that in the US?). I am not into the idea of spiritual institutions really. My route here has been through realising that nature is my sacred space and some exploration of eastern philosophy.
I’m sorry you’ve been made to feel like you can’t share your beliefs with others and equally glad you’ve found somewhere where there is no judgement so you can just be yourself. :blush:


So, I was Lutheran because our next door neighbors took me😂. We were actually related(cousins) and it was mostly so my mom could sleep as she worked nights. When I was 13 went to live with my aunt and uncle in Missouri (from Ohio). Where I automatically became Baptist even though I thought I could only be Lutheran. Yes, I thought changing denominations was wrong😕.
I learned through time that this was silly. So, when I went to my first Pentecostal church, it was an eye opener. It wasn’t about structure but about personal. I also started learning about when Yeshua(Jesus) was actually born and it was not December 25.
Messianic is either a Jewish person who believes in Jesus as the Son of God or a non-Jewish(me) who believes that the festivals in the OT represents the Messiah and that Jesus is Jewish.
As for telling people of my beliefs, I am getting better. I is just that I my political beliefs are right of center, but I no longer adhere to organized religion. Some believe that one cannot be conservative and pagan/witch at the same time.


Wow I can definitely see the attraction, what a beautiful place! Hopefully you will make it there one day.
West Wales is lovely but it’s quite remote (not many work opportunities) so might have to be one for later life (or a different career!)
This is Tenby - I wouldn’t mind living nearby as it’s a great town but I need to be somewhere with a lot less people!

Old houses can be lovely - our last was a Victorian terrace but the light is a big issue. We have larger windows now as we are in a 60s house and my husband has gone crazy on the indoor plants. They say there’s a plant for every place though, I’m sure you could find some that don’t mind low light levels. xx


Hi Amethyst (my favourite crystal!)
Thanks for your welcome. How long have you been on Spells8 and how do you get the moniker ‘Word Witch’? Saying spells and rituals aloud is a HUGE hurdle for me.


Hi Marsha, thanks for your welcome.
I love the word Colorado - it sounds so beautiful just from the name! Have you always lived there?
I have to confess I have never been to Nottingham! It’s a bit further north than were I am. I should probably check it out. I have been to New York and to Minnesota for a bluegrass festival a while back . America has some of the most outstandingly beautiful landscapes (it just makes me sigh with longing when I see it in movies!)


Hi Garnet!
Thanks for saying hi. It’s a shame about Social Media because it COULD be such a force for good. Unfortunately it does seem to bring out the worst in some people. Spread love not hate is what I say! There can be such a snarky tone on other sites when someone is just there to ask for help or advice. I just don’t see the point in that; what a waste of energy.
The good thing is that here we understand that you attract like with like and the positive energy just builds from there.
Where in the world are you based?
Have a blessed day


That’s really interesting thanks for sharing! I don’t see why one wouldn’t be able to be conservative and pagan because it’s so personal. I think like with all belief systems you can be ‘high church’ (very organised) or ‘low church’ (very flexible) about the way you practice. Even looking into different branches of Wicca is very eye opening in this regard. I have listened to some podcasts which have looked at the Pentecostal church. I definitely get the idea of personal relationship. I think as a solitary witch you have the space to find that. It’s beautiful really because even though I am at the other end of the political spectrum to you it doesn’t matter because we clearly share some core values. I’m glad you feel more open to sharing your beliefs with others. It can be something which helps you to decide who you want to spend time with, that’s for sure!


Merry meet @aimee_g! :blush:

Goodness I love your enthusiasm- you are such a bright soul! It is a pleasure to meet you and I hope you are making yourself at home here in the forum :heart:

I’m not in the UK but I do spend a lot of time over in Europe as my partner is Polish, although we are currently on the east coast of the USA at the moment. It is always wonderful to meet fellow magick-lovers around the world, places like the forum here make the world seem small and cozy- I think it’s so fun that we can all come together despite the physical distance! :earth_americas: :sparkles:

Looking forward to talking with you more soon- Blessed be, Aimee! :raised_hands:


Hee! Mine too! It’s my birthstone and I’ve always really connected to it, that’s why I took it as my witch name. My writing name is Amejisuto which is Japanse for Amethyst. I was reading a lot of anime at the time and I’m too lazy to change it now. LOL.

I’ve been with Spells8 for over a year and a half now. :infinite_roots: This is amazing to think about since I still have so much to learn.

The name is a badge you get when you play with the weekly challenges. I can’t remember which one it was, but you get a chance each week to do something and earn a new badge. @BryWisteria would know exactly which one it is to get the Word Witch moniker.

Mostly though, I write my own chants and prayers. It’s easy to say them aloud because they are my own words. I trip up over my tongue when I try to read someone else’s unless I memorize it.

But start out slowly with a chant or prayer and go from there. It’s difficult because you feel so silly talking to yourself in a room, but after a while, you get over it and it feels more natural. At least that’s how it worked for me.

I hope this helps you out!


Hi @BryWisteria it sounds like you live up to your name! What are your favourite parts of Europe? Have you been to the UK before?
I love the fact it is such a mix of people on here. It’s such a warm and inclusive environment. I never would have piped up otherwise! How long have you been practising magick?
I am very very new but I am smitten.
Blessed be :heart:


Merry Meet not from the UK but want to welcome you to the Coven David


Hey David! Merry meet. Thanks for your welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
Have a lovely day


Yes - it’s the talking to myself thing! I have realised I just CAN’T speak someone else’s words ( I am bad at memorising things). I also can’t make my chants/prayers rhyme. I think it reminds me too much of Macbeth! I am going to have to have a go at a weekly challenge. My personal goal this week was to have a go at meeting some people on this forum and it’s going well so far!
Thanks for your advice x


LOL! I got to do the Witch’s parts in senior year when we read the Scottish Play so it doesn’t bother me. But give yourself time and I bet you’ll be writing. RhymeZone is handy to have when you’re doing chants or prayers that you want to rhyme but they don’t always have to. Just let the words come from your heart.

Glad to have met you! And you’re doing great at this!


aimee_g, I’m in Florida, near Tampa.


@aimee_g I have just been here a couple of months. Really love this forum and coven. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time. :grinning:


Hi Aimee,
I was born in Colorado, but I have not always lived here. I spent 5 years in Ireland, 1 year in Italy, 2 years in Germany, and I’ve also lived in Hawaii and Alaska, which is like living in a different country. My husband and I loved to explore, we tried to avoid the tourist attractions and go where the locals go. It was so much fun! My husband worked in IT so it was not all fun, but we played as much as we could. The world has changed so much, traveling is not fun anymore. Lovely meeting you @aimee_g