Finally dare to introduce myself and look forward to being with you here
Welcome, @erla1! It’s wonderful to meet you here – I’m glad you decided to take the plunge and introduce yourself. It sure took me months to do so!
I’m Katerina, a baby witch residing in Australia. I tend to walk the left-hand path, but I don’t really fit any “strict” label.
Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England. I follow Loki as my patron deity. It’s so nice to meet you. Looking forward to getting to know you
Hi, @erla1! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia here in the States. Welcome to the forum!
Don’t be afraid to be a lurker, but we don’t bite. We’re a friendly bunch around here. What kind of magic are you interested in? I like candle magic and chants myself.
If you have any questions, ask and someone will be there for you. I look forward to getting to know you!
I like to work with herbs crystals and candles but have recently started working with candles and am very excited about it.
Thanks a lot Amethyst for writing me here. It feels beautiful
Thanks a lot Tracys
Thanks a lot Starborn
Hello and Welcome Home
It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. I’m an introvert so I lurked for a few months before I posted an introduction. I am looking forward to getting to know you better, Erla! Welcome to the family!
With love and magick
There’s some great info on candle magic in the Courses. And you’re welcome! It’s always nice to have someone new join us!
Hey, welcome
I’m Eva, really nice to meet you
Hello @erla1,
Welcome! I’m Bry, one of the moderators here and an Eclectic Witch. It’s a pleasure to meet you
Iceland is absolutely beautiful! I only spent a couple of days in Reykjavik (decided to splurge on the Iceland Air stopover program when flying between the US and Europe), but the downtown area with the harbor and shops and cute houses was really charming. I’d love to go back and see more someday! Are there any places you highly recommend seeing?
Please make yourself at home here in the forum!
Blessed be
Ăžingvellir and Gullfoss and try many more waterfalls (I love waterfalls) and lots more, if you come to Iceland contact me
Hello and welcome to the community. My name is Kara very nice to meet you. I am a Witch who likes to delve into tarot, astrology, herbs, moon, earth and natural magick.
Merry meet!
I’m Kat and am currently located in North Carolina. I found the practice over 20 years ago but lost my way for a while. I found my way home a couple of years ago and shortly thereafter found this amazing group of people!! I am a fairly eclectic Green witch with a deep interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (she’s been with me since the beginning) and The Morrigan, a recent guide in my life.
Yay for being brave and introducing yourself! I know it can be intimidating to join a new place.
We are so glad to have you here!
Thank you for the recommendations!
Gosh- don’t mind me nearly in tears over how beautiful the scenery you have there is
(Pictures from Guide to Iceland)
I don’t have anything set on the calendar right now, but if the opportunity comes up to make it back again in the future I will definitely keep that in mind! Thank you so much, Erla!
Much love and blessed be!
Wait… what? Tell me more about this program, please! I would LOVE to visit Iceland and am intrigued about this.
There is so much energy there that you are speechless and wow it’s awesome, the following days you are still full of energy and well-being. There are more places like Dettifoss, he does the same thing, it can’t be described in words.
Looking forward to meeting you and showing you Iceland.
Lots of love
Welcome! Glad you’re here! I’m a baby witch, still finding my path. This is a great place for inspiration and support!
Welcome to the forum @erla1
My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 It’s nice to see your introduction here!
We’re a pretty friendly group of witches here if I do say so myself, so please feel free to hop right in and make yourself at home!
Thanks a lot Kat