Hi! I'm Katerina, and I'm new here

:rofl: yeah basically me… I tend to start out typing basically my thought process & sometimes end up on side quests… typing usually helps me sort of put it together more linear… sometimes, I like to think most of the time… but I also very recently found out that I do have ASD & ADHD to include with other things… which on 1 hand is like… I’m an adult now with children ranging from 24 to 14… & why am I just now finding this out… On the other its like finding the owners manual to the wonky working DVD player that hitting it every once in a while seemed to do the trick :joy:


like finding the owners manual to the wonky working DVD player that hitting it every once in a while seemed to do the trick

I love that analogy. :joy:

I’m in the same boat. I was diagnosed with ASD last year and ADHD this year. The testing for each of them was sometimes fun. Mostly the ADHD one, as there was a full-on cognition test, I got to do many puzzles. But if I couldn’t have gotten the cost of the ADHD covered by the disability I get for ASD, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. So I’m very happy for that. :pray:

But yeah, I often feel like a person working at a switchboard that has put too many people on hold before connecting them.



Ohhh my Gods :joy: I love this analogy. I often say that my brain sounds like many different radio talk shows all playing at the same time, all talking about different subjects :sweat_smile:


Oh, my Gods & Goddesses… I love :heart: this analogy too! Honestly, it’s exactly like this! I have days & I’m mid-thought, sentence, or some other something & it’s like ah there they are Shining Bright like a Diamond!

I was diagnosed with ADHD last year & the ASD came along this year :laughing: Then there was the… Oh!!! So very much makes so much more sense now than it ever did before! & still I have times when multiple lightbulbs start breaking above my head when I realize… there is a reason & now this thing also makes sense! :rofl:


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