So it’s going to be my first Ostara this year and I’m wondering how do I celebrate it ? Where could I read about this topic and how do you guys usually celebrate Ostara ?
How can I decorated my altar for the occasion and is there any spells/cleanses related to this celebration
Thanks to all ~
Blessed be ~
Great question!
I am working right now on a more elaborate post with ideas for Ostara or the Spring Equinox. But in the meantime here are a few suggestions:
Decorate eggs: This symbol and also egg hunts originated from pagan fertility rites. The hare was also regarded as the sacred animal of the goddess Eostre that people now associate with Easter.
Light an Ostara fire: Bonfires were a frequent marker of the spring equinox in ancient times. This symbolized bringing the warmth and energy of the Sun to the fields for first spring plowing and planting.
Tie festive ribbons: As you do so, state your intention for yourself or a loved one with respect to personal growth or spiritual renewal. Look for items in the colors commonly associated with fertility and birth, such as pastel blue, green, or pink.
Prepare your altar: The spring equinox is the first time in the year where day and night are equal, so honor that. Use a god and goddess statue, a white and black candle, an image of the sun and moon, or even a ying/yang symbol.
For spells, anything to do with fertility (physical and spiritual) and new beginnings! I’m going to post a video ritual here very soon!
Very good info I totally agree.