How did you get to where you are today?

Obviously, some mutli-tasking is necessary in life. Sometimes it is necessary to single task. I strive to achieve this. Most of the time, if it is worth doing it is worth my full attention, particularly where people and the Craft are concerned. I know that not everyone can do this, and I can’t always either, but I try!


When it comes to getting burned out, I’ve found that the books I have selected aren’t all on the one subject with information overload. While many are on the occult, many are also on history or working with consciousness and will etc. So I tend to finish a book on a specific subject, then go to another subject matter which still kind of ‘relates’ but is not direct (example, reading 5 books in a row on magic spells would be overload to me and needs breaking up, so that I can read something else, while practising spells from the last book I read which I find an interest in using).

Keep it up @TheMuslimWitch!


Thanks… I to like to mix it up and with witchand magick books i will take one at a time other wise i feel it gets too much… I really enjoy reading and i wouldn’t know what to do without books…