How did you get to where you are today?

Hi everyone, so i wanted to know how did some of you more advanced witches get to where you are today in the craft? As i am a newbie, i was wondering if i should concentrate more on a variety of books to upgrade my knowledge or keep doing as i am doing at the moment and mix it up?
I feel as if i am stuck in this frozen state even though i learn something new everyday even if it is small… I want to make sure that i am going down a path which will extend my knowledge as i keep practicing so i advance.
At the moment i feel what i am doing is somehow not as authentic as it could be or as if i could be trying harder to be a better witch…
I think i mentioned this in another post, but i feel as if i have to try hard when casting a spell as if i am trying desperately to gain energy from other sources to become ‘energised’ rather than i am an energy source in which i need to charge my own energy… I hope this makes sense :rofl: :blush:


Personally I am not a fan of the term “baby witch” though admittedly I have on occasion used it to refer to myself back when I first started practicing. But since I started my practice almost 11 months ago ( wow, I really just had this feeling of “where did the time go?”) I’ve grown so much in so many ways both magical and mundane and everyday I grow a little more but I’ve come to realize that a witch is always learning and there will never be a day where we throw on a robe and witches hat and “graduate”. I mean really if you think about it at what point do any of us stop being “baby” witches? We just gain a little more experience and knowledge. Personally I have gotten to where I am today by insane amounts of reading and research (I put that in bold text because that is the biggest and most important part of practicing the craft in my opinion and can not be stressed enough) but also by reading the posts the other members of infinite roots and their experiences that they’ve shared and a lot of practice and trial and error which is where your journals come in handy. Because when a spell doesn’t work exactly the way you hoped you can go back and see which herbs to change, replace or omit all together and change the details of the ritual and try again. But the thing I believe has helped me grow the most? In all honesty, meditation. :woman_shrugging:t2: Truthfully listening to my intuition and my higher self and seeking guidance from my Matron deity (whom I identified during meditation) has helped me more than anything because I learned to trust myself and to do what feels right to me. Not every witch is the same. We learn at different places and in different ways. I also chose not to focus on any one specific part of my craft (i.e candle magic, divination, baneful magic, manifestation etc.) Rather I kinda dove head first into dabbling with everything and learning about all of it a little at a time. So if I had to sum it all up in very few words I’d say: research, meditation and try and try again idk if any of that makes sense to Anyone else or if it is helpful to you at all @TheMuslimWitch but I’ll say this too. If you find yourself having to “try too hard” then it’s most likely you are overthinking something or the method you’re using isn’t the right one for you and you should probably do some self reflecting and really listen to what your inner voice is leading you to do. Part of what makes the craft work is the magic of it being fun and creative. If it begins to feel like something you have to work at or an chore then I feel like the magic of your rituals won’t work as well. I’ve also found that if I keep hitting bumps in my spell work (or really anything from cooking, crochet, down to raising kids) if I take a step back and focus on something else entirely for as long as it takes for me to feel called back to the original process that it seems like during my “break” the knowledge I needed to be successful downloaded without me realizing it and then I just know what it is that works… Just like magic. :crazy_face: Anyway I hope that ramble had some information in there that was helpful for you. Sorry for the long read lol


Practice! Research and repeat. I actually don’t have a huge book collection, I used the internet and Spells8! Meditation is a huge part of my life and if you don’t or can’t, work on visualization. To each their own, we all learn at our own pace and have something that someone else doesn’t.

Practice working with different herbs, colored candles, crystals, etc. See what fits for you.


I don’t have a big collection of books either but I’ve learned a lot from the internet and spells8 as well as Pinterest and I did eventually take the advice of @Amaris_Bane and download Kindle as well as using my audible subscription to download and read or listen to a few books that people recommended


Not at all thank you for replying :blush: . I truly understand about the research and trying again and i find this part of learning fun as i love to learn and can never get enough information i feel, however, as for the meditation part i have only even once fully felt as if i could let go of everything and let my intuition lead the way which was when i was laying down when everyone was in bed following a mediation guide… To me no being able to practice witchcraft whether it be just a tarot reading, meditation or even just lighting some candles when i am busy, makes me anxious and very irritable as i consider it my ‘me’ time. Taking a step back to me is not really from the craft but i would rather love to do so with everything else which is stressful such as kids, housework etc… It is never ending, i don’t learn anything new and there are no breaks! Don’t get me wrong being a mum, wife and housemaker is great but not when i get so worked up in everything i forget at the end of the day who i really know myself to be… I have the feeling this is why i am feeling so hopeless spiritually as there is no privacy even when asked… I have hope however as i have been able to set up a sacred room and the kids start school after 5 months of lockdown so this must help… I do except more bumps and am nothing short in the determination department, i just think i need to sort out better times for my craft and the rest of my priorities in a more relaxed way as i tend to get over worked until i end up with a migraine from all the responsibilities and thinking i do…


I have defiantly been trying with different crystals and following the daily meditation where there are certain crystals which correspond with each day. It actually has become a almost a routine with the different coloured candles as well… I tell myself if i can at least so this once a day everything else will all come in good time :blush:


Yes there are great books online to i used the link on Humble that was posted and there was a great deal for witchy books and such which i will get too after i finish all my other books… Online is another great source which has helped me so far more than books…


I love the daily and nightly rituals, too!! It’s great that you’re getting more advanced!!!


Which ones are the nightly rituals? I have only seen the daily ones…


Go to the main site and search lunar rituals. Actually…


Oh yes i remember now… I have been on this once but never realised its the night one thanks for that as i usually end u doing the daily at night as i get so busy so this will make more sense :blush:


It’s ok. Do as you feel is right!


It sounds like you might be experiencing information overload! Learning and practicing witchcraft is a journey, one that doesn’t happen overnight or in a straight line. Everyone is always learning! I think you should just keep practicing what you already know, become confident in your skills with it, and your practice will naturally progress.


@MeganB has hit the nail on the head I think. I have not been on the site for a few months, partly because I felt I was overwhelmed with information and wanting to learn so many things all at one time. It was getting mentally exhausting and there were times I would doubt myself and question my path. Then I would get a sign or something indicating that I am exactly where I needed to be. I think I am at a good place in my path right now. I do what feels right for me while still sticking to a Wiccan path of spirituality. I continue doing meditation through the week, I do a weekly ritual within a sacred circle, there are times when I call to the Deities that have chosen me, to the elements, and to the quarters, and there are times when I simply chose to cast a circle and meditate. I cast spells as I feel the need and I believe in the perfect timing of the universe. What is meant to be will be. Sorry if I have rambled and gone off track, but it is nice to see that we are all still growing together and learning every day. Blessed be.


You maybe right, this is why a little while back i decided to stick to one book at a time on one subject and practice what i already have learned, because as you said information overload is real and i have been through it before and when that happens negative outcomes do arise… Thanks for sharing :blush:


Yes i do feel like this, however when i was doing a clean up a few days ago i didn’t find time to practice and at least meditate and i found myself extremely upset that i had done so much and didn’t have this time to myself for my spirituality… I have been practicing getting better at meditation since i and a very fidgety person and cannot tend to calm down let alone let my mind relax… I tend to read before bed as well which some people may think it is a bad idea, however by me reading before bed i can focus on one thing otherwise there have been other nights where i let my mind wonder into the early hours of the day… I guess having a lot of responsibility of 4 little human lives, a husband, household and full-time study does takes it’s toll, this is why i am so glad i have finally found what i am compassionate about…


When I officially started back on my journey, I went through all the courses, had every printable I could get my hands on, did every lunar spell from the generator, bought books upon books, you get the picture. Then I hit a wall & I whittled away at what I was working on & went through my BoS every couple of months. I would rearrange it & take out things that I hadn’t looked at since I printed them or things that I didn’t follow or didn’t feel right.

After another burnout, I found my way at a comfortable pace. I learned that if I have to put my practice on hold, then so be it. I’m much better & more focused when I’m not being pulled in a thousand different directions. Each time I come back though, I’m a little more in tune with what I am working with & what I am learning about.

Currently I’m keeping up with daily transits & learning astrology through courses & readings. I have also arranged more specific Pinterest boards on my profile. I also added quite a bit to them. (Darn rabbit holes) I have started doing simple tarot readings again & cleaned up my altar. I also have started writing again. Tomorrow I’ll finish arranging items on my altar space.

I’ve simplified my practice to work for me & my schedule and/or limitations. I don’t get overwhelmed & I can take as many baby steps as I need to. It’s my practice & path to walk so might as well be clear with what I’m doing on it.


Yes, Pinterest is a rabbit hole! I have a board specifically for witch stuff, and at last count it had over 200 pins. I focus on the Craft as a daily practice, but check Spells8 daily. I’m currently looking into astrology and a few other things, but I don’t allow myself to worry too much about progress. Practice is where I’m at.


That is the way i guess we need to walk before we can run… Multi tasking even when it is all the do with the craft does get a little complicated… I find i get an information overload like when babies get sensory overload and start crying but i guess mine is the adult version where i don’t even realise it until i get extremely tired, sick or something else where my body and brain goes nope stop that’s enough…
I haven’t experienced it with the craft yet and i hope i don’t but very recently i have been like this with my compulsory studies which is full-time. I used to be the first student to hand everything in and had all my studies completed a week ahead, but then i realised its not called online study for nothing and it is not a race nor am i going to earn anything extra for doing so asides from the eventual feelings of hating everything which was what happened. I only was able to force myself to finish my assessment today as it was due tonight and i had to tell myself “remember why you started this 3 year course to gain independence, get a dream job and have the freedom to choose what i do with my own hard earned money, and most of all set an example for my kids. There’s only 1 year left so you can do it”! of course i wanted to crawl back to bed but in the end finishing it felt good.
Sorry if i rambled on i just thought this burnout maybe something similar the witchy burnout from try to do everything at once… :blush:


That’s right we will always be practicing so what’s the rush? Just because everyone is at a different stage does not mean any of us are less devoted, and i actually think this is what makes us all unique and able to connect with one another by sharing experience and wisdom… So thank you my more advanced witches for being my guides… :heartpulse: :blush: