How to Combat Lack of Magickal Motivation?

Hi witches!
I am currently going through something I experience every so often, and it is a lack of motivation to do magickal things. There is so much that I could/should be doing magickally, that I just cant shore up the motivation to do! Any suggestions on how to combat this lack of magickal motivation? Thanks in advance!


When I experience this I sit down, light a candle and ask for help with understanding what I am avoiding. Because when I usually am not doing magical practices is because i am having uncomfortable feelings and meditation and connecting with self is an avoidance pattern for me. I am not sure if this resonates.
Then I ask my guides, ancestors and gods and goddess to help give me clarity around what i need to address/ work on.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. It happens to me in various aspects of my life. For me what works is to decide on one small thing to add, drop or change in lot l my life. Scheduling it with something you already do keeps it in your mind. Meditate while you shower, say a small blessing when you make your coffee, light a candle while you make dinner and add your intentions into the meal.

You don’t have to do everything. Just do one thing. :purple_heart:


Oh sweetheart sorry you’re feeling this way. :green_heart: It’s not permanent. I do one of two things or sometimes both.
First I release, that means I take over the kitchen when noones home, I wack on David Guetta and I dance like a loony whilst I bake.
Then I recharge. I sit outside barefoot with a tea, toes in the grass/mud and just sit. :grin:


I can’t say what will work for you, but I can say what works for me. :thinking:

Because I have ADHD, “motivation” is a bit of an awkward thing. It’s made me talk a lot with others, including psychologists and psychiatrists, about a “lack” of it. Like there’s this thing I need to have in order to get things done.

But the conclusion that I’ve come away from all of that is… It’s just a convenient way to say “I don’t feel like it” in a way that no one can really complain back. And by “feel like” I mean “want to.” I don’t really believe motivation exists anymore. :woman_shrugging:

There are so many things in life that I don’t feel like doing at any given time. I don’t want to work, but I do because I have to. I don’t go to the toilet because I want to, but because when I have to, I have to. I don’t even sleep because I want to a lot of the time, but because I know it’s best for me to sleep at that time.

So when it comes to getting magickal things done, it doesn’t matter if I feel like doing it or not. If some part of my brain is aware that it should be done or would be best for me to get it done, I will make myself do it, kicking and screaming if I have to. Because, you know, sometimes when faced with something we don’t want to do, we suddenly feel tired. Or we suddenly get a headache. The body has decided to make our feelings heard so much, that it turns them physical. But my feelings and excuses and conveniently-timed tiredness to get out of it be damned.

You can imagine some people really don’t like this approach. One psychologist friend-of-a-friend was incensed that I could possibly care so little about my feelings! But I don’t want how I feel in the moment to rule my life. So that psychologist can take their projection and complain about me to someone else, 'cause I ain’t listening. :laughing:

Anyway, that’s my weird approach to it all. I’m not saying you should adopt this, because I know I’m not being gentle with myself here and it won’t work for everyone. Plus, I don’t know your situation well enough, and I really don’t want to pretend to know. But that’s what I’ve got. :black_heart:


I go through this on a regular basis- just about very summer. For me, it goes away when the weather changes.

There are several other possible explanations for why something like this happens.

Do you have too many items on your to do list? Try cutting down a while. Remove the list completely and rewrite only what really needs to be done.

Have you been doing a lot lately and just suddenly couldn’t anymore? You’re probably tired. Give yourself some rest and come back to it later.

There is a possibility that a germ is working in your system, if the stoppage was sudden. Up your intake of vitamins C & D and allow yourself to heal before getting back into it.

Did you have a jarring experience just before the block? This could be mental or emotional, a call to do shadow work instead of the things you usually do. Keep up with journaling to dig into feelings for definitions.

Most of all, remember that this is actually normal. You are not alone. Keep contact with people who can share and care so you don’t make it worse by worrying about it.

There are probably many more possible causes and helpers.

Think about these journal questions:

What convinced you to choose your current path? Perhaps focusing on the original causes can help bring back the magic. This may require redefining things a bit.

How have you strayed from your usual practice? Can simplifying help?

Go through your BOS. Is it well organized? Sometimes the mess calls to be reorganized by messing up other things in life.

What do you feel is your Higher Purpose? Have you been working on it? If you got lost, this could be a call to get back to some previous path.

Do you remember what your values are? It is easy to get busy and forget, even while following them.

What did you want to be when you grew up? How can you include a bit of that in your day?

How do you define self care? Not everyone reacts the same way to stimuli. Sometimes I react differently at different times of the year.


I go through this a lot. However I grant myself more grace these days as I have a lot on my proverbial plate. Between working, maintaining a home, chores, the never ending to do list, my mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health, & managing my ADHD… life can become a bit much and it becomes an all or nothing sometimes where I ride that struggle bus.

Sometimes I have to put the brakes on and stop trying to juggle so much & do only what I can. There are only so many hours in a day so grant yourself the grace you need. When you are ready, you can pick back up where you left off if that is possible.


I understand how you feel as I go through that a lot myself. As all the wonderful witches said in the previous post mundane life can be a bit demanding sometimes.
I used to feel very sad and anxious when I had this feeling of not being motivated and tried to push myself to do magickal stuff, but it always backfired or did not work. So, what works for me is to not fight the lack of motivation but let it go through and find the reason why there is no motivation and try to somehow solve it. I have BPD so sometimes I fall into depression periods by default and most of times is that, but other times is just being tired both mentally and physically or that I just have nothing to work on.
Perhaps having a small every day or night ritual could help to at least keep in touch with the craft without it being really overbearing, like meditation or even applying skincare in a selfcare altar


I am in the same space. I try to just do one simple thing. Back to basics you could say. Maybe just some deep breathing, a 5 minute meditation. A prayer. There’s lots on the site if you don’t know what to say. Or maybe just list 3 things your grateful for.