How to Learn Tarot by Jess Carlson

I recently read a new book by Jess Carlson called How To Learn Tarot and I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

I did an entire review video which I’ll put at the bottom here, but basically?

This book gets five stars.

I haven’t seen a book quite like this that helps the reader connect on a deeper level to the cards. This book isn’t one that you pick up to read about the history of tarot and deep meanings of the cards. Instead, this is a guided journal :spiral_notepad: that helps you see meaning in the cards with personal experience. I definitely recommend checking it out to help you learn to read tarot cards!


Thanks for sharing this video review!

I’m looking at it on Amazon and I really like the general layout and images inside the book. Also the journaling prompts look super useful.


Super I just got my book and is being shipped! Thank you for all of your support!


This sounds like a really interesting approach to learning tarot and having the card meanings actually stick! It makes each session with your deck so much more insightful when a reader can really resonate with their cards in a unique way :flower_playing_cards:

Thanks for the great recommendation, @MeganB! :two_hearts:


That’s one thing I really liked about it, too. The colors and images aren’t boring yet they stick to the “traditional” symbolism of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck so as not to confuse new learners.

Awesome! Can’t wait to hear how you like it!

Yes :clap: and this is why I like it even for those of us that have been reading tarot for a while. It can give us new insights that we might not have connected with before.


Thank you for sharing! I am still developing my Tarot skills and this seems to be just what I need!


You’re welcome :sparkles: I hope it helps you in the way you need!