I can’t be the only one … right?

I was just wondering, as one does often, if I am the only witch to see spirits, dreams that will come true, and able to reach out to someone else while in a nightmare.

To give some back-story, I lived in a house that had several, I’ll call them “things” from the other side ,both inside the house and outside. They never bothered me as far as moving stuff or anything. They would just appear for a minute in field of vision or like standing behind me in the mirror. Also, lived with a cemetery in my backyard at a different house. So it’s been a reoccurring experience I’ve had my whole life. But now as an adult after being away from that home for many years I get horrible dreams of being trapped inside the house or my room. Where a shadow being or something pure evil I can’t see is trying to get to me. I can’t move, but not in like a sleep paralysis way, and the only person I can call out to; the only name I can scream is my mother’s. Now the dream being absolutely terrifying isn’t the weird part for me, is that I my mother has been a few miles from me and several counties away. Where she will wake up from a dead sleep thinking she heard me calling for her to only then wake up enough to realize that I am not there. She always calls or texts me the next day to tell me about thinking she heard me. I’ve stopped telling her I have the nightmares, because I think it freaks her out which is understandable.

But I was just wondering if there are any others witches who have ever had a similar experience. Just to know I’m not alone would be comforting.


You and your mother are close that she can hear you like that. If I’m close to someone, I can see what they’re doing when they think of me- it’s like I’m standing next to or floating above them.

As for seeing spirits, a lot of us, here, have expressed the ability, whether in shadow or nearly physical form. It’s been a while since I’ve seen anyone, but that could be due to stress or illness.

Dreams coming true is a fairly common occurrence reminiscent of foretelling the future. Most of the time, it is a gift. Nightmares, not so much a gift, but it still happens.

I took each element separately- hope you don’t mind- to reassure you as much as possible. You are not alone. How you put them together is up to your subconscious and your guides, which will be different for each person.

As for the meaning of the nightmare- an unseen force out to get you- it sounds as though you are afraid of fear itself. Can you face the fear in your dream?


I always thought it could have been because we both went through a lot of trauma in that house. We both on our own, in our own ways have been spending the last 20 years trying to heal. I felt it was like the fear of being stuck back there again. Because when we were there we were trapped with no way of getting away. That is why maybe sometimes I can’t see it but I can feel that evil even in my dreams. I’ve never tried to stay asleep longer to see if a form actually comes in. Usually after I scream in the dream( assume I wake up my mother) and then I can wake up. But it just occurred to me, what if I am trapped in her nightmare but through eyes. Because she grew up in a very abusive home, maybe the connection we share I see when she has the dream and my scream wakes her. Then I am able to wake because I was in her dream. Does that make sense.
Thank you for the reassurance :black_heart:


I have heard of that happening. That makes it trickier to set yourself free without doing a cord cutting which may cut her off from you.

You could try putting up protections around yourself before going to bed each night- casting a circle to sleep within, building a castle around yourself (don’t forget a floor and roof), aura work to form as solid an egg around yourself as possible, maybe even multiple layers of things. Keep these protections going for some time. If you still get the nightmare, at least you’d know it wasn’t your mother dreaming you.

It would be a form of confirming a source to work on. Once you have that settled, you can work from there.


You’re not alone, that’s for sure! There are many witches across the world who can see spirits, have visions, and dream walk. Heck, there are even non-witches who can do the same thing!

I can’t say I’ve ever had a dream-walking experience (my dreams have always been hit or miss anyway due to various health reasons), but I have seen my fair share of spirits and had visions in dreams that have come true. One thing I experience quite often is deja vu – whether I dreamt something or just felt it was going to happen is another thing entirely, but it happens to me quite a bit.


I think an old friend’s mother had OBEs before she died recently.

One evening I felt a hand briefly touch my shoulder. It wasn’t a twitch or spasm, it was a touch! I live in a converted school. I honestly thought a teacher or student that had been in that classroom, before it was an apartment, had died.

Then I found out my friend’s mother died under hospice care at home. She was 90, Greek, born in Athens. She had been fading in and out for a couple of weeks. She would be very weak and sleep most of time. Then she would rally a bit. This cycled a few times. And then she passed.

When I found out she had passed I spoke to her son. Even though he was stressed and busy with a million details to follow up he took the time to call me. Growing up his family had moved next to mine. We stayed close and always went to visit when I went to NY from Maine. I was my friend’s babysitter, a ten year difference, and his mother was fond of me.

I back tracked her two week decline and realized that touch I felt was during that period. I would like to think it was her saying farewell.


Welcome to my world , same here