I feel like something is there or i'm missing something

I’m having a very difficult time with missing something or feeling an energy behind me and it does not cause negative feelings but i feel like something is there and it’s something that i really need to hold and not let go of but i dont know where this thing is.
i have a feeling it’s one of my rocks and i am looking under my bed, i think it’s the amethyst but i cant find it anywhere and i feel like i need and i’m missing it and i only feel this energy when i turn around
(im sorry if this is silly but i have been feeling like this for weeks now)


Have you been doing any work with crystals recently? e.g. charging them, wearing them, meditations, etc. Perhaps it’s time to get back into ritual with them! :gem:


oh, not yet
thank you for this :>


I definitely second Francisco’s advice about meditating- take some time to sit in your room and see if you can meditate on and explore the sensation! :gem:

If that doesn’t lead to answers, perhaps divination could help you. :flower_playing_cards:. Visualize your amethyst, focus on it’s energy, and draw a tarot card or use a pendulum to gain insight. If it is indeed the amethyst calling to you, uou may be able to locate the stone and figure out what it wants to tell you!

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


I hope you are feeling better, Summer! Feel free to share your findings with us!


thank you very much! :>


You are very welcome, @summer2. Blessed be! :sparkles: