I found a cow skull

Hello! I have found a caw skull, so I thought it will be a good Idea for doing spell and offering this to a Goddess.
What do you think about this idea? I was thinking to put in the woods and make a spell over there… Im pretty sure Morrigan likes bones and stuff like that …


I have a hawk skull in a travel altar


What’s a caw


Hi @juanita1!

Bones can definitely be used as a part of an altar display and/or as a respectful offering to certain deities- you’ve got options! :grinning:

I don’t work with the Morrigan myself, but from what I’ve read about Her I think you’re right. As a deity associated with death and war, I personally think bones given respectfully would be a suitable offering :skull: :sparkles:

There are some more ideas about offerings for the Morrígan along with offering prayer chants in Her lesson in the Goddess Temple Course- I’ll leave a link here in case you’re interested!

Whatever you choose to do, I’m sure you’ll find the perfect use for your skull!

Blessed be :sparkles:


I think they’re referring to a type of bird. Maybe a crow, raven, or rook.

Which would make it extra resonant with The Morrigan.

But I’m just guessing.


sorry is cow


Ohhhhhhhhhh cow!!! Wow??? Where you find it lol? Nothing else was with it just the skull. Sorry forgive me I’m a curious creature


I founded it on the way in the mountain I live, it was only de skull, last year I found a jaw


A little digging and I found a couple goddesses specifically associated with cows. In Hinduism, there is Kamadhenu, also known as Surabhi. Kamadhenu is a divine, wish-fulfilling cow that is considered the mother of all cows. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the goddess Hathor is sometimes depicted as a cow or with cow horns.

Or if you weren’t especially looking for a cow-related goddess perhaps one of the darker goddesses (Hekate, Morrigan, Hel, Persephone or Kali) or one that is associated with animals (Artemis, Brigid, or Isis)?


If you can’t find a specific spell to use the skull for, it’s always okay to give it back to the Earth as an act of goodwill and compassion :heart:


This is a great idea! You don’t have to use it in spellwork if you don’t want to or can’t connect to it in that way. This would be a lovely way to honor the animal and the land.

It’s also ok to just keep it because you like it. I have a background in wildlife biology and worked for a Natural Sciences Museum so I have a fondness for feathers, bones, snake skins, bee hives, and the like. I have a mini biological museum on my bookshelf! :laughing:


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