I have a question about a tarot spread I just did

I’ve been doing the daily 4 card reading recommended in the Tarot video course. But I have a really hard time equating the cards I have drawn with their positions in the spread. For example, the first card is “mood for the day”, the second is “helper”, the third is “gift” and the fourth is “lesson”

Is there somewhere, or could I do it here, where I could post a photo of the cards I drew, and then post my interpretation so that a more experienced tarot reader could tell me if Im completely off base?


Of course put a photo of your reading and one of our fabulous readers will help. If it’s of a personal nature you may want to move this post to sacred space, that way it can’t be read by anyone who’s online. :grin:


Thanks @tracyS It’s not really personal, so I’ll go ahead and post it here.

This was today’s daily four card spread.

I’m going to paste the descriptions I got from my Writual Decoding the Cards and then my thoughts about each card.

Being very new to tarot I wasn’t able to get an immediate impression of the spread - it didn’t convey anything to me. So I decided to just go card by card.

  1. In the first position, representing the mood of the day, I drew the Ten of Wands

Keywords: burden - hard work - extra responsibility

The Ten of Wands is a potent reminder that although the hard word and effort to reach our goals will bring us great rewards later, we are also taking on more responsibility and a heavy workload. We have have unnecessarily taken on this weighty burden, which is becoming too much for us to manage effectively. This card warns us to pay attention to our limits and needs and be mindful of what we can realistically achieve.

The Ten of Wands indicates that although things may be difficult and we feel overwhelmed, our effort will eventually bring great rewards.

My thoughts: I’ve drawn this card before and, being retired, it seems to be inappropriate for me, except for the fact that in the new year I do plan to plant a witch’s herb garden and there is a lot of weed clearing and hard physical work to be done before that happens, especially for someone my age and with my physical limitations - arthritis etc. So, I will take it that this card is telling me what my common sense already did – that I will have to take it one step at a time, not overdo it and be very mindful of my physical limitations. But how that relates to the Mood of the Day, I’m not sure.

  1. In the second position, representing the helper – a person, activity or device that will help me today, I drew the Ace of Swords. which is the same card that I drew in this position yesterday.

Keywords: Success - beginnings - clarity - decisions - new vision - truth - logic

The Ace of Swords symbolizes new ideas and breakthroughs - moments of clarity and illumination. It can represent a moment of truth or justice when everything suddenly becomes clear or hint at upcoming opportunities that will being about understanding.

The double edged sword indicates that the truth may not be what everyone wants to hear, but its clarity will help you move forward.

The Ace of Swords can also show that you’re ready to share your story, knowledge or ideas - now is the moment to speak up. Overall, this card symbolizes a new start and a fresh beginning full of potential and possibility.

My Thoughts: Like I did yesterday, I see this as a positive sign that I am making the right choice in my decision to follow the Wiccan path but I cannot fully embrace the last paragraph, that I am ready to share my story and knowledge. Perhaps among my coven, but certainly not to the general public. And again, how this relates to being “the helper”, I’m not sure.

  1. In the third position, representing the gift of the day, I drew the King of Wands.

Keywords: Leadership - charisma - masculine power - long-term success

The King of Wands symbolizes creative mastery and inspirational thought. You have a clear idea of the big picture and the outcome you’re working toward, and you can see your plans through to the end.

The King of Wands indicates tht you are ready to step into a leadership role, enlisting others to make your dreams a reality rather than doing it alone. You are charismatic and determined, which is why others believe in you. They want to be part of your creative vision and support your long-term goals.

When the King of Wands appears, it is a sign that it’s time to be fearless - let your heart lead the way and take a chance on something bold.

My Thoughts: Can it really be that the tarot cards are telling me I need to enlist/hire outside help to do the landscaping for the Witch’s Herb Garden?Or does this refer to some other part of my life that I don’t see yet?

  1. In the fourth position, representing the Lesson of the Day, I drew the Knight of Swords.

Keywords - ambitious - quick to take action - driven to success - fast-thinker

The Knight of Swords is an unstoppable force. He is courageous and thrives in high energy situations, jumping to make the first move. He is not fearless, but rather deals the feat and does it anyway. He is on a mission - once his mind is made up, there’s no stopping him.

When this card appears in a reading, it’s a sign to take the first step and speak your truth. don’t let anything stand in the way of your ambitions - you have the necessary courage and confidence to pursue them. Make sure to communicate clearly and seek out people who can help keep you motivated as you move forward. The Knight of Swords will be by your side giving you strength.

My thoughts: I’ve drawn this card before too, although it represented a different question last time. It seems too simple, but it really does seem that the tarot cards are telling me that I should go ahead with my plans to create a Witch’s Garden (or possibly just call it a herb garden) and enlist the help of someone to help with the hard labor and heavy lifting.

So am I close here, could it have completely different meanings? The fact that I am planning a garden just sort of popped into my head when I was pondering the cards and wondering what they could be referring to, since I’m retired and the chances of extra responsibility and hard work are slim. (was that my intuition coming through?)


Remember Jayne, this witch lives right down the road from you. I can pitch in and help if you need me to. Don’t buy any lemon grass, I have plenty that I can dig up for you if you want some in your garden.


I will take you up on that! :sweat_smile:


It sounds like your intuition is coming through loud and clear, dear. You’re doing fine with your reading, and it sounds like you know yourself well enough to get the help you need for greater success before you start. All you needed was a bit of confidence, which will come in time. You can act on your intuition with confidence and the support of your coven mates.


It sounds like your doing a great job interpreting you cards.

May I just add that card number 2 could also be relating to your garden. It could be saying that doing this garden was the right decision to make. It is a new beginning for you.

All of the keywords or books definitions don’t necessarily always fit into what your card is telling you. So don’t stress about trying to make the entire definition fit your life. Your doing fabulously! Keep studying and keep up the good work!


This is something that I still struggle with sometimes, so you’re not alone – and I’ve been reading the cards for [does math] … 13 years at this point? Something like that!

You absolutely can! If you’re ever struggling with a reading you’re doing, you can post it here in Q&A or, if it’s a more personal nature, in A Sacred Space, and we can take a look at it for you and help out.

This is okay, honestly. Not everyone enjoys reading from a spread with questions. It’s okay to come up with questions yourself or just pull some cards for a situation. The more practice you have with tarot, the easier it will get. If you’d like more practice, you can always jump into the monthly tarot challenges that @Artemisia posts :blush: the current one is almost done, but you can find it here → :tarot_card: December Tarot Challenge

If this is what your first instinct led you to, then I would encourage you to explore those thoughts. Without looking at the descriptions from your book, here are my first thoughts on the cards you drew for the positions in the spread.

  1. Mood of the Day: Ten of Wands – There may be a feeling that something you are doing or want to do today is too much. You may have found that you’ve taken on too much responsibility with a project or task you’re doing, even though it might be something you wanted to do in the beginning.

  2. The Helper: Ace of Swords – In this case, I think the helper is more mental than physical. The Ace of Swords is about new ideas and beginnings. If you’re struggling with something you’ve wanted to do, it might help to remember why you wanted to do it in the first place. It’s a new project for you, something you want to start to live your truth. Remembering the why of the things we do often helps us move through the difficult parts of those things.

  3. Gift of the Day: King of Wands – This card represents a master of one’s passions. It may be a gift for the day that you are capable of embracing that passion and seeing the long-term goal. It doesn’t necessarily mean hiring outside help. It likely has more to do with embracing your own power to do what needs to be done to achieve your goals.

  4. Lesson of the Day: Knight of Swords – As for the lesson, when we look at the other cards you’ve pulled, the lesson I see here is that your ambition is a good thing, and you have it pointed in the right direction. You’re doing something you’re passionate about and you are taking the right steps to get there. The lesson in this may be that you’re realizing just how capable you are.

Overall, I think you did a really good job with your reading! Don’t discredit yourself :heart:


Thank you for your input everyone. You’ve really helped me feel a little more confident in my readings.


Woohoo! :clap: That’s what we’re here for! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: