I’m new….and nervous!

Welcome to the forum @ArcticCharm! I’m Siofra_Strega a moderator here at Spells8. It’s nice to meet you :blush:

There are many witches here from all over the world :earth_americas: We are all very friendly & helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share something with us, feel free to jump in on any topic or start your own :hugs:

I hope you were able to enjoy the Full Super Moon :full_moon: the last couple of days! It was too cloudy & stormy :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: here for us to see it.

Take it slow & at your own pace. You don’t need to have or use all the things. You’ll figure out what feels right & works for you :smiling_face: No 2 practices are the same, which makes it great for you & others.

Check out the Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Jul 3 - 9) :full_moon: for kind of happenings around the forum. A new Weekly Challenge will be starting tomorrow too :star_struck:

I look forward to speaking with you more :infinite_roots: