I need some help!

I am in need of a find a lost ring spell. My husband had a ring special made for me with some diamonds set in filigree and an Amethyst as the center stone for protection. Well, I have managed to misplace it… again. I have tried to use my pendulum to find it but for some reason, I can’t seem to get a read on it. I guess I’m just overwhelmed by fear that he will find out. Help :cry::cry::cry::cry:


Sorry :worried: wish I could help. Hope you find it soon. Only advice I can give is ground yourself fully so you can think clearly. then calmly take ur time looking one room at a time. Check car too? Bathroom floor under bed in the sheets


Check by your bed , sinks and or anyplace you wore gloves for cleaning maybe your pockets to. I’m just bouncing ideas when I misplaced my stuff to


@john1 has some great practical advice, also check sofas, side of cushions etc. On a spell note, I use my pendulum. Give yours another try. Draw a map of the house, ask the pendulum to show you which room the ring is in. Then go to that room and ask Is it in the cupboard, is it in the sofa etc. Try doing a relaxation meditation to ease yourself before you use the pendulum, and smoke cleanse the pendulum first also to remove previous energy.

Here’s hoping you find it :sparkling_heart:


@tracyS did you ask Loki if he took it?


@john1 If it were mine, yes but then he’d mess up my pendulum for a bit too. He’d give it back eventually though. :grin:


When I get a object I place a return to me spell on it asap

I always feel the engery where my objects are. It’s like a magical gps that brings it back to you, it’s so post to be a get my ex back spell but I use it on objects instead


Firstly, I’m sure your husband will understand that it was an accident… or at least, I HOPE he will. Second, after you find it, you may want to get it resized or but a slip guard on it so you don’t lose it again! lol
I lost something valuable and thought I had searched well enough to find it, but it still illuded me, so I turned to my tarot and that helped me a lot! I don’t know how intune you are with a tarot, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
Good luck!!!


I would look in the places you think it wouldn’t be in. That’s how I’ve found some lost items I’ve had trouble finding.


You’ve gotten some good advice so far. I’m just gonna drop in some links from the main site and forum that might help, too :heart:

I hope you can find it - I’m sure it’s around somewhere!


You’ve got some great spells and advice, so just chiming in to share my support! I hope you can find the ring again, @Isabella13 :pray: :heart:

May it turn up when it is ready to be found (hopefully soon!). Blessed be :sparkles:


I hope you’ve found it or will soon.
The witches here have made some awesome suggestions on where to look, but the power of positive thinking is a tremendous aid in events like this.

This hoodoo website forum thread has a quick spell to St. Anthony (from the poster Devi Spring a bit further down) and the Norse spell (from the poster Dr. Jóhannes)

Both may place you in a mental position from which you can access the rings location.

Best of luck and please let us know how it goes!


My lost jewelry places are always make up organizer/counter, bedside table, table closest to tv, basically anyplace I paint my nails. Try to think about the reasons you would take it off and the physical locations you are during those activities. But seriously ground 1st, panic doesn’t help with the locating. I lost a silver hair stick on the floor in my closet and checked 4 times in a panic. Found it a week later after a ritual bath right where I knew I dropped it.
Sending good energy.