Identify the Zodiac Signs Quiz

Hi everyone,

A little bit of fun for you. I have summarised each zodiac sign as a quote. Can you identify each sign from the quotes? Check your answers by clicking on the arrows. Post below to let us know how you got on!

:wink: Good Luck :wink:


:one:I might show my emotions openly, but don’t be fooled - my sensitivity isn’t a sign of frailty. My spirit is as tough as my shell, ready to conquer any tempest. With a heart full of kindness, I am the living definition of everlasting love.



:two:I gracefully waltz through life, chasing after harmony and elegance. But don’t be fooled by my serene smile; there’s a fierce warrior within me, ready to fight for justice!


:three:I’m a fierce ball of energy and enthusiasm, zipping forward like a lightning bolt with fierce determination and zero fear. I’m the spark that ignites action, leaving a blazing trail in my wake. Buckle up, world!


:four:I’m a tornado of charm and inquisitiveness. Good luck trying to catch up with my turbo-charged brain because I’ll be spinning circles around you with my sharp tongue and insatiable hunger for wisdom.



:five:I groove to my own funky rhythm, embracing my quirks and oddities. With a wild imagination and a rebellious streak, I kick tradition to the kerb and shake things up, adding a splash of innovation to the crazy canvas of life!


:six:My precision and attention to detail are works of art that are unmatched by anyone. Do not be fooled by my calm and reserved nature for I am a fountain of wisdom and have a strong desire to be of service.



:seven:I’m a dreamer, cruising through the ocean of my imagination and emotions. I soak up others’ upsand downs like they’re my own. I listen to the whispers of my intuition, unleashing my creativity and spirituality into the world around me!



:eight:I reign supreme as the majestic monarch of my realm, my heart roaring with fiery passion and unwavering confidence. Armed with courage, I stand ever-ready to lead and dazzle all with my charm and grit.



:nine:I’m a wild-hearted explorer, always chasing after fresh adventures and wisdom. My boundless energy and sunny outlook rub off on others, but deep down, I’m a thinker, pondering the mysteries of the universe and hunting for profound truths.



:one::zero:Never doubt my unyielding resolve. I may saunter my way there, but trust me, I’ll arrive… in my own sassy and unstoppable fashion. Be prepared for my unstoppable tenacity for I achieve greatness of my own terms.



:one::one:I am on a relentless climb towards success with a laser focus and an iron will. Beneath this calm exterior, burns a fiery passion to craft my legacy and imprint my story on the world.



:one::two:I’m a mysterious creature overflowing with passion and depth that knows no limits. With fierce determination, I plunge bravely into the sea of change to uncover my innermost truths. Beware, of my sting when crossing my path!



I failed miserably but at least I recognised my own sign Sagittarius so I’m happy. :rofl:


Its not easy but at least you got your sign :clap: :clap:


I also did a terrible job :joy: but I also recognized Scorpio!


Im glad that you recognised your own sign though :clap::clap:


Only one I got right is my own sign. Looks like I need to study the zodiac a little more. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I know a great book that could help :laughing: :rofl:


Thank you @Cosmic_Curiosity . This was so fun i love your contributions, insights and wisdom! You’re helping me becoming better at astrology! I got all of them right except #4 genini which is my moon and my mothers sign… what does that mean?
Do you have any good books or courses to recommend to learn about transits and understanding them more?


Your Moon sign reveals much more about what is hidden inside. It determines how we feel, show, process and understand our emotions. It also determines the emotional reactions that we show. Our Moon sign also reveals our subconscious side; the ability tune into our intuition and listen to our instincts are determined by this sign. It is also how we tap into our hidden powers. Moon signs determine what we consider to be our home comforts and that which brings a sense of safety and security. It’s how we deal with home, family and our childhood memories. It brings out our nurturing and maternal instincts.

A Gemini Moon sign suggests that you are curious, mentally active and enjoy gathering information and knowledge. You have an agile mind, and your emotions may change rapidly, much like Gemini moves quickly from one thing to another.

You are likely to enjoy engaging in conversations and intellectual pursuits and may need variety and mental stimulation in your life. You may tend to analyse your emotions rather than just feeling them, which can lead to a sense of detachment.

You may be an effective communicator and may express your emotions through words, writing, or other forms of self-expression. Your emotional well-being may depend on activities that bring mental stimulation and social interaction.

Your home may br built for learning andnscoailising. It may have lots of books, items of technology and other tools to stimulate the mind. You perhaps rearrange your furniture regularly or are flexible with it depending on your current needs. Theres perhaps a nice dining area for social gatherings or comfy seatingnareas for intellectual conversations. There isnt really an attachment to physcial objects, more to mental stimulation.

Transits and using Astrology in daily life are already in my head for a new book bit thats at least a year out before it will be anything tangible.This book is a good one:

Its available as a paperback, hardback and on kindle…its also part of kindle unlimited if you have it.


Moon signs?? I really know nothing about astrology other than I’m a cancer. :rofl::rofl:. I’m definitely going to look more into it when I get caught up on the other 18 things I have going. Lol. Astrology research and study is now on my list!


I only missed two or three so whoot! Thanks for the quiz, it was great!


This was so fun, and I’m feeling so clever for getting all of them right! :smile_cat:

I’m one too, didn’t he write so beautifully about us? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also a match :smile_cat:

Definitely a curious cat :smile_cat:
(Good thing I have nine lives :laughing:)
The rest of the description is a good match too :sparkling_heart:

Got that one too :wink:
Now I just need my mercurial (pun intended) Gemini mind to shift her focus to a mode that allows us to read it :joy: I know it will happen, but when is up to the stars themselves :smile: :milky_way:


What book? Did you write a book?


He sure did! :purple_heart::purple_heart:


The introductions of Moon Medicine Yoga and Yoga with Kassandra helped me recognize many of these Zodiac signs.

11 Likes glad to share the same moon with @CelestiaMoon!!!
I feel you about finding the time, motivation and focus. Tonread thisnbook. I hope we both can find time to donso.

@Cosmic_Curiosity Alan thanks so much for rhis very indepth explanation. I checked out that book from the library and didn’t read enough of it… but i am glad to hear it is good.


I like the app time passages it will do your chart for younif you put in your birthday, place and time…
Let us know


Yes i wrote an astrology for beginners book. It was only released a few days ago.


@Cosmic_Curiosity Ordered mine, as I know didley squat about the stars. Looking forward to it :partying_face:


Thank you so much for your support. I hope you find it helpful.