It's almost time for winter solstice here in NH!

It’s almost winter solstice here in NH!

Although today it’s 60 degrees and it’s been absolutely pouring here!! UGH.

but nonetheless…I shall celebrate!

As the winter solstice draws near, many practitioners of witchcraft seek to harness the energy of this important celestial event. The winter solstice, also known as Yule, marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It serves as a potent time for reflection, renewal, and setting intentions for the coming year. If you’re looking to connect with the ancient traditions and tap into the mystical energy of the winter solstice, here is a witchcraft spell that may guide your practice.

Begin by creating a sacred space in your home. Light candles, burn incense, and gather items that hold personal significance to you. Do what calls to you!

Take a moment to ground yourself and align with the energy of the solstice by focusing on your breath and quieting your mind.

Next, take a piece of paper and write down any aspects of your life that you wish to release or let go of as the old year comes to an end. Be specific and honest with yourself. This could include negative emotions, old patterns, or anything that no longer serves your highest good.

Once you have written down your intentions for release, you can proceed to the next step.

Take a cauldron or fire-safe container and burn the paper with your intentions, visualizing the energy being transformed and released into the universe. As the paper turns to ash, imagine the weight of what you are releasing being lifted from your shoulders.

After the release, it is time to set new intentions for the coming year. Take another piece of paper and write down what you wish to manifest, achieve, or invite into your life. Again, be specific and focus on your true desires. Allow yourself to dream big and believe in the power of your intentions.

Once you have written your new intentions, keep the paper in a safe place or perform a ritual to seal your intentions. This could involve folding the paper and tying it with a red ribbon, or placing it under a crystal on your altar.

Remember, the power of this witchcraft spell lies in your intention and belief. Stay open to the magick of the solstice and trust that the universe will support you on your journey. May this winter solstice bring you blessings, transformation, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Much love,

Laurie AKA SilverBear


Thank you for the lovely spell and the positive wishes, @SilverBear! Wishing all the same to you- have a blessed solstice :blush: :evergreen_tree: :sun:


Thankyou for the lovely spell. Per usual :grin: