Just because

@Amethyst thanks Kas. Ill always take hugs

@Sivonnah for pain theres not really alot that can be done. And nothing works. Its just constant. My doc is always on the look out for a new drug or procedure, whatever. Yes i take handfuls of meds daily. Whats kinda sucky is i can help everyone else but not myself. Ive even had others make me stuff, to no avail. I dont like the fuzzy headness that i get from opiods.

Ive just gotten used to the pain, or at least embraced it as part of my life unfortunately. I would probably cry hard if the pain was just gone one day. Ive even tried natural meds. But u are correct when it comes to meds price. Thats my thing i cant make stuff that cheap ($0 copay for all but 2 of my meds), i have medicare. Soooooooo i wholeheartedly understand


I bet he can beat alot of people in call of duty lol good boy I love animals :grin:


I’m so sorry nothing helps :pensive: All you can do is adjust your thinking I guess. The mind is a powerful tool! There was a problem with my insurance and I didn’t have my meds and oh boy. I couldn’t move. All i could do was lay there and cry :cry:


@Sivonnah oh giiiiiiirrrrlll when covid first hit and pharmacies ran out of meds. Mine were some that were out of stock. I went 2 weeks without all of my nerve meds. I honestly didnt even know how bad i actually was, or how well some of the meds did help mask the pain. Im in constant pain, but that was unbearable. And yes u are right about adjusting your mind set. I know i cant change anything, my nerves are either dead or burnt. So the other nerves are trying to over compensate for those nerves. And what i get is my nerves firing off all day everyday. But if i didnt change my mind set then i would just curl up in a corner and not move. Im so sorry to hear that u uave ALS. Thats terrible.


That’s awful! I couldn’t imagine not having it for 2 weeks! You don’t realize how bad it is til you don’t have it. Sending you lots of hugs!:people_hugging::heart: