Looking for a substitute

Hello all,
I am needing some help, looking for a substitution for a spell ingredient. A little back story, my middle daughter is being bullied at school, by a substitute teacher. We are taking the proper steps through the school to deal with this as well. It was also a problem last year, but there was a switch in administration and apparently there wasn’t any information let for the new principal. So this sub has already been back this year and up to her old ways instantly, when she saw my daughter.
So I am wanting to do a kill them with kindness spell, and it calls for a wasp, but unfortunately I have none that hang around my house. I have a friend who is on the lookout for me. But in none of my books have a found a substitute for the wasp its self. Idk know if straight pins might work, because it still stabs like a stinger would. Any help would be great. This women is causing my daughter a lot of stress, because this teacher is trying to turn other teachers against her, for no other reason we can find, than my daughter being autistic and ADHD. Because there are others POC in her class, so it’s not a race thing unless this teacher is only racist again Latinx people.


This is terrible coming from a teacher who’s supposed to protect and guide the kids that’s unbelievable teachers these days are getting worse especially substitutes I see it on the news all the time. I’m sure you’ll find what your looking for here we actually just did a witchy challenge about substitutes :rainbow_heart: :witch_pentacle: I hope these help too


Maybe a picture of a wasp? I think the straight pins are great too. As long as your intent is clear, I think it will be fine. And as a teacher who tries very hard to represent the best of the profession, I’m so sorry your daughter is going through this!


I am so sorry about your daughter being bullied by a teacher :slightly_frowning_face: That’s awful and inexcusable!

I don’t know of a substitute for a wasp stinger right off, well, not one that I could find listed in my books, but I did wonder if a rose thorn or something similar might not work in its place. I agree straight pins would :honeybee: a good choice as well.

@crystal59 suggested some other good spells that might be of assistance, if needed. Wishing you the best in this tough time.



I’m so sorry your daughter is going through this!

I use wasps in some of my voodoo. One of my books do suggest a straight pin with a black head as a substitute. Also, as @AileyGrey stated, a picture of a wasp will work as well.

Hope your daughter can get some relief with this. I have an autistic ADHD grandson. They can be difficult at times, but they have very big hearts. It’s horrible that a teacher would do such a thing! Sending love to you and her :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


I get wasps by the millions in my garden. Apples, they love apple trees. If you go find apple or fruit trees, you’ll find wasps, of course you’ll have to kill it for its sting :person_shrugging:, but they love apples. They’re a little drunk round August so grumpy. :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::green_heart::beers:
I hope the mundane method works for your family. I have an ASD son, I understand the difficulty. Most teachers I’ve dealt with have been amazing, I just had one that was off. Sending love :people_hugging:


What is the point behind the wasp? Is it to be pestering? For the stinger? The loud buzz? When you identify the purpose of the ingredient it is easier to find a suitable substitute.


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