⭐ Lucid Dreaming - How to Gain Control of Your Dreams

Very cool! I’m a bit scared of deep water so I tend to avoid it in my dreams, but flying is a definite! :dove:

It’s pretty rare that I achieve lucidity and when I do it doesn’t usually last long (wip :sweat_smile:), but I do fly sometimes in normal dreams. I’ve found that my ability to fly (how high I can go and how long I can fly for) is directly related to how I’m feeling in the dream state- when I’m confident I can manage a lot, but if I have doubts or am feeling down I sink like an old balloon :balloon: :laughing:

Keeping a dream journal is a great practice for dream magick and will hopefully help you build up a routine that lends a hand to lucid dreaming- wishing you all the best with it, John! Good luck! :star2:

If I wasn’t already enthralled with lucid dreaming this probably would’ve sold me- you make a great point, Eliza! We spend a massive amount of our lives asleep- more lucid dreaming would certainly bring more value and pleasure into that part of our lives :blush::+1:

This is an amazing experience, Cosmin! :star_struck: That you were able to see and interact with your body makes me think that it, while it definitely could be lucid dreaming (gaining consciousness within a dream, limited to your own inner world), it might also have been astral projection or astral travel (visiting the astral plane, outside of yourself)- there’s a great post about the differences, similarities, and overlap between lucid dreaming, astral travel, and astral projection- sometimes it can be tough to tell which it could be, but they are all amazing!

And I love your last line about being the holders of the keys- beautifully said! :raised_hands: :heart: