Mabon Harvest Blessing Spell 🍂


To honor the Autumn Equinox and express gratitude for the harvest, both literal and metaphorical, in your life.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small basket of seasonal fruits, vegetables, or grains

  • A green candle (for abundance)

  • A brown or gold candle (for grounding and balance)

  • A small piece of paper and a pen

  • A pinch of cinnamon (for warmth and protection)

  • An offering bowl


  1. Create Your Sacred Space:

    Find a quiet spot, either indoors or outdoors, where you can connect with nature. Arrange the candles, basket, and offering bowl in front of you.

  2. Light the Candles:

    Light the green candle, saying:

    “I light this flame to celebrate abundance, prosperity, and the gifts of the Earth.”

    Light the brown or gold candle, saying:

    “I light this flame to honor balance, grounding, and the turning of the Wheel.”

  3. Express Gratitude:

    Take a moment to reflect on what you’ve harvested this year—be it personal growth, relationships, or achievements. Write down one thing you’re grateful for on the piece of paper.

  4. Empower Your Offering:

    Sprinkle the pinch of cinnamon over the fruits and vegetables in your basket, saying:

    “With this spice, I add warmth and protection to the bounty of Mabon. May this harvest sustain and bless me through the coming season.”

  5. Give Thanks:

    Hold the basket close to your heart and say:

    “I give thanks for the blessings of this harvest. As the day and night are balanced, so too shall I seek balance in my life. May I carry the spirit of Mabon in my heart through the darker days ahead.”

  6. Make Your Offering:

    Place a portion of the fruits, vegetables, or grains into the offering bowl. If outdoors, you may leave this offering in a natural spot. Indoors, place it on your altar until the candles burn out, then return it to the Earth.

  7. Close the Spell:

    Blow out the candles, saying:

    “As the light fades, the blessings remain. So mote it be.”

  8. Enjoy the Harvest:

    Eat the remaining fruits and vegetables mindfully, savoring the gifts of Mabon and the Earth.

Blessed Mabon! :maple_leaf::full_moon:

Feel free to adjust the spell to fit your personal practice and intent. Remember take what resonates and leave behind what doesn’t.


I love the inclusion of a basket in this spell - really invites in the harvest energy! :basket: :sparkles:

It’s wild to me that Mabon is almost here. I’m grateful for the reminder!

Thanks for this spell, @Silverbear, and happy harvest! :heart:


Happy upcoming Mabon everyone… blessed be!!!