Macaw feather craft ideas?

Hi all, so my macws every so often drop their feather and they are stunning (i have Blue and gold macaws, so i tend to pick them u and put them in a weave bag and they just sit there. Any ideas of what i should do with them? There are heaps now so much i just don’t know what to do with them… I don’t really want to sell them as i don’t feel i can put a price on them as i see it a gift from nature (or from my beloved babies)…
All ideas are welcome…
*Note: witch practice related would be nice :blush:


Make feather art and use nice feathers for smudging also

Pinetrest has many ideas on the art or make them part of your clothing decorate some of your favorite clothes with the fanciest feathers


Nice idea, i just had a thought (an Alice in Wonderland thought) i should make like actual wings and try to glide with them lol there just so many… OOOO how about a head piece like a crown… Won’t know when to wear it maybe when summoning my macaws lol, they will so totally have a go at me :rofl:


A fan for directing smoke during smudging


In terms of witchy things, feathers are great for the air element! :air_element:

You can add one (or a piece of one) in any spell jars, bottles, pouches, or rituals where you want to invoke the Air Element :feather:

Depending on the size of the feathers, you could also make quills for spell writing:

Whatever you choose to do, I’m sure you’ll find some fun ways to use your beautiful feather treasures! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Do you have long hair? I would weave them into plaits in my hair. :grin:


Nice idea :blush: Well i used to but i cut it of thinking it will help it grow and now it is shoulder length and no joke has not grow barely in a year… I stopped dying it and grew all the colour out and chopped off what was remaining for ages and when i saw no progress with the length i just dyed it again to a honey colour…
So i guess if i had someone to braid it right from the scalp down they could be added :blush:


Love the quill pen idea… :star_struck:


Happy crafting! :feather: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: