Menstruation and magic - are there spells/rituals that are best performed during one's time of the month?

Oh I know! I just like to put that note there :blush: I myself had an ablation in June when I had my tubes tied so I pretty much can’t have a period anymore.

The only thing I would say about using menstrual blood in ritual is that it is a direct tie to you. It’s what we call a taglock, so any spellwork you do with the menstrual blood would be directly connected to you. I wouldn’t recommend doing baleful magic or magic against others period.

You could use it in rituals for growth and abundance as a celebration if life’s cycles. You could also use it in releasing rituals since the blood shed during menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining.


This is my own personal experience with menstruation, I mean no offense to anyone. When I did have my period (haven’t since 12/24/2009), it was very heavy (with clots)& painful, but very short-lasting. After my last pregnancy, which was also my hardest, I had my tubes tied & an ablation. So I can sympathize with @MeganB in that respect.

I never had a positive experience with menstruation. I didn’t have my first period until I was 16. I distinctly remember my Nana & my Mom being so excited when I did get it, they said they were ready to drag it out of me. It wasn’t ever really pinpoint regular, one day it was there & a day & a half later it was gone. Hard & Fast really. But thick & heavy & almost pasty brownish… the doctor said it was all built up & finally started, but that much longer & I would have gotten sick from the old blood being there for however long. She actually didn’t think that it would continue to be so heavy, painful, & fast. Well, up until January 2010 that’s exactly how it was every time.

All of that being said, if I had kept practicing & learning my craft through my teens & 20’s, I also would have considered something to help me through or ease the discomfort. (I was sent home from school & work due to the pain it would cause or the heaviness or both)

I do get cramps every once in a while in the same area, I’m not in tune with my cycle but never was, I know when it would be happening if I hadn’t had my procedures done.

I do know that rice pillows or those heat therapy… things… you put them in boiling water & when it comes out, it can be positioned & placed where you need it. I have a pink 1 shaped like a heart & I have an abundance of rice pillows. You never know when all of your joints are going to need to be loved & comforted with EDS Type 3. Especially in cold weather.

@BryWisteria, I think I am going to try this tea when I have discomfort in my hips, SI, & lower abdomen area. I’ll probably use a rice pillow or my heart while I drink it.

I don’t know of any other helpful tactics or spells or rituals. I would like to see what others do or have ideas for though. :two_hearts:


Hi @avery, I studied with a medicine woman and I could not participate in ceremony, when I was on my period. So she certainly thought a woman was more powerful at that time. So interesting! Thanks for starting this topic.


Congratulations on a successful surgery! :innocent: :heart: In the future I hope to have that procedure as well. The taglock makes sense, I assume it would be a similar situation with other aspects of your body like your hair. I will keep this in mind if I begin to work with menstrual blood, I haven’t decided yet. Thank you for your help! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :orange_heart:


I’m sorry to hear about your difficult time with your cycle! While you started “late” I started early, I got it when I was 11 turning 12 and was a very shameful experience for me. When I get horrible cramps I also use heating bottles, however starting a new hormonal contraceptive have helped with my cramps. I hope the @BryWisteria 's tea recipe works for you! I will also be trying it :grin: :green_heart:


Wow that sounds like it was an incredible experience! Thanks for sharing :orange_heart:


I have done some research and if your period starts around the full moon it means you have a red moon cycle, meanwhile getting your period on the new moon is called a white moon cycle. I haven’t looked too much into it but there’s different meanings for both. I agree with you the first two days are the worst, I’ll keep in mind tea meditations for that time. Thanks for contributing :heart:


That is new information to me too! I am a Red Moon girl. :slight_smile: I am excited to learn more about that.


This is interesting! Mine always starts on New Moon and I ovulate around Full Moon :rice_scene:


I would be interested in this, I wish I had found out about it sooner. I’ll see if I can pay attention to my body itself as for when it feels like it should be doing the menstruation thing. Although it’s been 12 years, so I’m sure it will take some time to find my rhythms again.


You’re very welcome, Avery, and I agree! :heart: For those of us who menstruate, it can be really empowering and freeing to learn to accept this natural part of us, rather than try to hide or be shamed or even terrified of it, as I was for years. We’re strong- go us! :muscle: :grinning:

I hope the tea recipe helps you! Lots of love to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope the recipe helps! Raspberry Leaf Tea was recommended to me by an herbalist when I was studying under one out in Western MA. Not every store carries it, but if you look in the tea section you can often find it at the grocery store (Market Basket in Plymouth has it in the organic tea section!) :tea:

Here is the one I have- it actually has a note about menstruation on it (but not all of them do!):

As with all herbal products, please try them carefully- read the warnings on WebMD and don’t hesitate to contact a medical professional and/or herbalist for more personal advice

That is really interesting! :star_struck: I’m neither of those- I wonder if they have names for those whose periods come in line with other moon phases (first quarter, last quarter)?

Thanks for sharing this info- I’ll remember it! :grinning: :sparkles:


@Susurrus this could be a long shot, but are you able to remember any significant events that occurred while you were menstruating? As an example, I distinctly remember the very fun anniversary trip my husband and I accidentally planned on the week of my period. You could use that date you remember to go back and look at the moon phase. :woman_shrugging:


@LadyAuld.ofChico girl you must have been reading my mind, but I was a bit of a different approach.

My last period was 12/24/2009 (Christmas Eve). I know that somewhere I used to keep track of it, but I never compared it to a moon phase or even thought of that actually. Anyway, I was thinking of either finding those journals or figuring out the moon phase that Christmas & going from there.

I’m also going to mention that this morning I am having cramps like the start of menstrual cramps. I do still get those at times. So I’m going to try to put it together sometime today. Then look into other moon phases related to menstruation.

In theory, you should line up with the moon because we are on a 28-day cycle too. So the moon phase that you have your period during, wouldn’t necessarily change all that much.


@Susurrus cramps are uncomfortable and I wish you to feel better - makes me smirk that we are all talking about this and you are feeling menstruation symptoms. Looking into your moonstration history could be a fun project for a rainy day. :heartpulse:


Empathy cramps :rofl: I’ll bet you that’s what it is! :joy: Only I would take on virtual pains :grin: do still have them today though :thinking:


Thank you for all your help and advice!

Here is info from this article ( White Moon Or Red Moon Cycles: How The Moon Affects Your Period & Personal Growth by Paige Butzlaff) about moon cycles which answer your questions :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:

Waxing moon = Pink moon cycle :heartpulse: “If your period falls near a waxing crescent moon, you’re on a Pink Moon Cycle. This is associated with the Maiden archetype and growing, enthusiasm, and physical vigor.”

Waning moon = Purple moon cycle :purple_heart:“Does your period fall in the waning moon stage? Then you’re on a Purple Moon Cycle. Think of autumn: the inward reflection and a time of letting go. A Purple Moon Cycle may indicate that you’re in a time of self-discovery.”


If I’m right, I’m on a pink cycle. Which would be now & is another explanation for my cramps.

Thank you so much! :heartpulse:


I have seen people or woman to be specific, post about how they use their menstruation :drop_of_blood: as an offering… In my religion it is considered “dirty” to be on your memes to the point some households don’t allow the women to cook. For us it’s not that full on as there’s no reason to treat the woman as “dirty” however, we are not allow to go out place of worship, pray, or touch sacred religious scripts…
To me it a beautiful thing as I would not have my children without it, and I had no menses most my adult life and now I lost weight it has come back so I feel more like a woman…
To me that time if the month is the best as I use that time to focus more on my craft and since praying isn’t allowed…
It’s like a spiritual holiday if you ask me….
So can you use menstruation :drop_of_blood: or the actual time for magic? I would so yes why not. It is a natural part of being a woman so go for it I know I do! :relaxed:


That’s really interesting about the Pink and Purple moon cycles, @avery- thank you so much for sharing the article! :heart_eyes:


Treated myself to a new herbal tincture- this one is called “Cramp Ease - Menstrual Support”.

For anyone else who gets curious about these things, the herbs used are:

  • Cramp bark
  • Black cohosh root
  • Catnip leaf and flower
  • Wild yam root
  • Skullcap leaf

I’ve only taken it once so far, but it seemed to help deal with the cramps during my least favorite time of the month! I’m going to try taking it a bit before cramps begin to see how that works as well.

Sharing here for any other herbal enthusiasts looking for cramp help! :handshake: :heart: