Merry Meet - Blessed Be! Old Time Witch - First Time Spells8 Caller!

Hi, my name is Bonnie, I am 46 years old and have been practicing solitary eclectic witchcraft since I was 19 years old.
I am loving the organization and overall vibe of Spells8. I’ve gleamed what I could from the freebies and now determined to make my fisrt BOS, my first set of tools and altars and this looks like my best bet for good information!
I wish you all wonderful vibes and blessings from this introverted, artistic, solitary Crone!


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England I’ve embraced Loki as my patron deity and practice chaos amongst other things. Nice to meet you, make yourself at home Lovely :sparkling_heart:


Welcome @Bonrok! I am new here as well and loving it so far.
So happy to have you join us.


Welcome to the forum @Bonrok :wave:

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

I’m happy to hear that you’re finding everything well here on Spells8. There’s a lot to look at and read here, both on the main site and the forum. Feel free to hop right in and make yourself at home! :partying_face:


Welcome, @Bonrok! :black_heart:

I’m Katerina, a baby witch residing in Australia with my partner and two lovely cats. :smile:

My journey began in earnest only this year. But I’ve already been learning so much from everyone here. :woman_student:

Anyway, I’m excited to welcome you into this lovely space and perhaps even eventually get a look at your new book of shadows, tools, and altar when they’re ready. :witch_hat:


Merry meet :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @Bonrok

It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. I love all the BOS pages here, their are new ones added all the time! If you need any guidance, or have any questions, let us know. We are here for you, Bonnie, welcome to the family :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Merry meet @Bonrok :people_hugging:
So glad you’re here. Im still in the beginning of my journey. I have found the coven :infinite_roots: to be my family and the forum my safe place, my home :house_with_garden: :heart: I hope you can find that here as well! :blush:


Welcome, @Bonrok !!

My name is Lisa, hope you enjoy Spells8! As a member, I love it here and am learning so much that I hope to give back someday! Check out the forum topics! They’re awesome!


Welcome to the group. You’ll find a ton of wonderful information and people. if I can help feel free to dm me


Welcome - I am new too and wow we share so many similarities! Merry Meet!

I am doing a trial marriage separation in a new home and just set up my altar again after not having one for 8 years!

Look forward to more interactions. And wow - I am SO introverted as well LOL!



Hi, @Bonrok! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s great to have you here! Don’t worry about being introverted, once you get to know us, you’ll feel more comfortable talking.

If you have any questions, ask and someone will pop up and help! I look forward to getting to know you!


Welcome to spells8, @Bonrok! Glad you’re here!! :sparkles:


welcome to the family I’m Airam from Greece we deal with Angelic Magic and Elemental Magic Now I’m walking on the path of Hecate trying to learn as much as I can to connect with Her Whatever you want to learn here there’s someone who knows There are great Witches in here !Welcome to the Witch family!


Hello @Bonrok,

Welcome! Just stopping in to say hello- I’m Bry, another one of the moderators in the forum and a fellow Eclectic Witch. It’s a pleasure to meet you!

Please make yourself at home here :heart:

Blessed be!


Hey welcome. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m Eva, really nice to meet you. :hugs:
Feel free to explore this website , you will find many tips, practices and answers to a bunch of questions.
Blessed be :sparkles:


My dad was born in Waverly, WV!
I’m terrible with geography in general, I wonder how far from you.
That was 70 years ago of course
I just remember getting carsick, every time we went around those mountains :sweat_smile:


I’m terrible with names and I’ve never heard of Waverly. Still, same state. And yes, the mountain roads can be a bit much sometimes. I used to get sick on car rides to Hinton.


Merry meet!

I’m Kat and am currently located in North Carolina. I found the practice over 20 years ago but lost my way for a while. I found my way home a couple of years ago and shortly thereafter found this amazing group of people!! I am a fairly eclectic Green witch with a deep interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (she’s been with me since the beginning) and The Morrigan, a recent guide in my life.

Hey now, you aren’t a crone yet :wink: I’m 52 and don’t consider myself a crone quite yet. :laughing: :

So glad to have you here!


Welcome @Bonrok I’m new here as well, in fact never been part of a coven in my life so this will definitely be a learning experience for me.
I too started with Wicca and witchcraft as a teenager ( 13 if I’m remembering correctly). I’m self taught with everything but have found that I seem to have a natural affinity for reading tarot and speaking with those that have passed on.
I would say I’m definitely an empath which is a blessing and a curse at times.
My deity of choice is Bast and I practice more along the lines of green/hedge witchery with a little bit of Wicca thrown in the mix.
I’m American but immigrated to the UK 5 and half years ago.
I’m sure you’ll find lots of interesting people and information here.
Once again welcome and blessed be. :blush:


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