Merry Meet Everyone, hope all is well!

I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I havent been on in a while and wanted you all to know that I’ve not forgotten our beautiful community. Life has been quite busy lately. I hope everyone is well and life is joyful! Blessed be!!


Welcome back @Pagan-Dragonfly81,

It’s wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for the kind wishes - hoping the same for you! Wishing you all the best with everything you’ve working on. May it all go wonderfully for you :heart: :pray: :blush:

Blessed be!


Hey there! Great to see you! Hope everything is okay.


Thank you Amethyst! I’m well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Been taking advantage of a couple of very warm days we’ve been blessed with here. they have been few and far between so I am grateful for each and every one lol I hope wherever you are the sun is warm and everything is blooming :sunflower:


Nice to see you lovely :sparkling_heart:


The sun has been too warm! LOL! It got up to 80 yesterday and I don’t have the window fan up in my bedroom yet. LOL!

Glad you’re having good weather! :people_hugging:


Oh yeah, that’s a little too warm for me too! It was in the low 70s here the last 2 days which was nice. Then today back down to 60. It can be very confusing as far as the weather goes here lol


Hello TracyS. How have you been darlin?


@Pagan-Dragonfly81 am glad to learn from you my sister
when you have time we are happy to see you :hekate_wheel: :pentagram: :revolving_hearts:


@Pagan-Dragonfly81 Am good, thankyou. Currently just finished my 2nd class with The College of Psychic Studies, got brain drain :rofl:, but was fabulous :sparkling_heart:


Oh wow! That sounds awesome! I recently learned that I experience clairaudience. Sorry if I misspelled that. I’ve been seeing a therapist since December who is Wiccan and has been helping me understand things I’ve been experiencing all my life that I was always told were related to mental health that weren’t at all. I am taking my time with this and want to fully understand what is happening so that I can be more comfortable with it. What do you do at the college? I have a 10 year old son who is just like me, and I encourage him to be at peace with his abilities and not to be afraid or let anyone make him think it’s nonsense. I find I have a hard time guiding him correctly because I don’t have the experience enough yet to teach him to embrace this. He has a beautiful mind that I don’t ever want to be taken from him by society. There should be more resources available to people who want to embrace the gifts they’ve been given. Right now, where we live there aren’t any for us.


Wow clairaudience nice. I hope the therapy continues to go well. And to have your son inherit your gifts, that’s lovely :sparkling_heart:. There should be more, this space on Spells8 is such a blessing.

At the college I’m doing the course on Spirit Guides, Helpers and Gatekeepers and then mediumship possibly, depending on how I do. I’m sharing the journey here

I’ve shared lesson 1 and 2 so far. It’s been so enlightening. Here’s to next week. :green_heart:


Thank you for sharing! I’m going to check it out now. :green_heart:


Hello hello! :wave: I’m glad you’re doing alright - I know first-hand how being busy can overtake your life :laughing: I’m glad you’re finding ways back into your communities!