Merry Meet Monday - Witchy New of the Week! (Jun 10 - 16) 🌓

Thankyou @Ostara . If u want to move it just make sure that it’s to a spot with the same type of soil. When u move out just dig it up be careful not to rip the roots too much. And make sure to water it after u replant it. It may take a day or so to bounce back


@Phoenix_Rose @starborn @ignis thankyou my lovely witchy sisters


Moved it to iron ore. Throw some blessings this way please!


I’m glad I wasn’t the last person wired in this world. It really is a different sensation within. You got this!

Congrats @Satans_Helper and @Artemisia !

I’ve been preparing for Maintenance to fix the drip under the kitchen sink, today- don’t want them laying on a dirty floor. Water will be off in an hour- possibly for 5 hours. Gotta fill the tub with water so I can flush while they’re working. After this, I have until July 9 to clean the stove for the housing inspectors, so I can relax a bit. I ought to know more about where I’ll be staying and how to survive by the end of July. Until then, I’m focusing on computer cleaning, keeping little things organized in case I need to pack swiftly at the last minute, and getting used to what is left.


You got this :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Thankyou love hope it goes smoothly


It should. The last one did. We thought that having renovations would remove such issues, but the workers were so rushed that they created as many problems as they solved! The last leak I had only took about an hour to fix, so this one ought to flow smoothly. Pun intended.


Congratulations, you two! :heart:

May your studies go well! :heart:

Woohoo! :tada: It’s always a good day when we survive appointments lol I’m sure you’ll get used to streaming services in no time.

I hope it does go smoothly and that the workers are able to fix things quickly and efficiently!


Yeppers. The man came and took the cable box away this morning and I didn’t cry! He even admitted he has a Roku. That’s sad.

I hope it works out for the best for you! Good luck!

I’m getting there! There are movies I want on Prime, which I have, but man the movies I like cost a bunch! Sheesh. I’m hoping I can find them somewhere else. We’ll see.


I’ve had a rough few weeks. Haven’t been by at all :sob::cry:
Last week i exhausted myself. Didn’t rest enough. Im still trying to recover!

I have GREAT NEWS!!!
I applied for an adventure/vacation of our choosing for June, July and August. It’s through a fantastic ALS organization called Team Gleason. We were selected to go in August!!! (Insert cartwheel emoji) so we are going to Salem Massachusetts!
2nd good thing-we might be able to get a wheelchair accessible van! If it’s approved we’ll get the modifications paid for!
3rd good thing-I met another ALS warrior from my clinic and she lives only an hour away! Im going to meet her the end of the month!

I have been praying :pray: for a sign that something good will happen and we got much more than I imagined! I am so grateful!

Congratulations :confetti_ball: :tada: :clap:
@Satans_Helper and @Artemisia I’m so proud of both of you and honored to call you my sisters! :heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::two_hearts::people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Have a fabulous week! :hugs::blush:


Wonderful hearing from you and I’m sorry for the rough few weeks but can I just jump up and down and yell with you… :tada: Yaaaaaaay for all 3 good news items!!! :tada: I am so thrilled about your trip (that sounds like an amazing trip) and :crossed_fingers: for the wheelchair-accessible van (that would be incredibly helpful) and happy that you’ll be able to visit a new friend and fellow warrior later this month!!!


Thankyou darling :people_hugging::people_hugging: :heart_eyes: I’m glad to hear from you. I hope you get the rest u deserve amongst the other things. Xoxoxoxoxo :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It was done in one hour. Most people in the complex never even knew the water was off.

Thanks :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::rainbow:

I’m so happy for you! I hope you love Salem! There is a restaurant in the nearby state park that has good food. I stayed at the park while I was there years ago. Their scallops were huge and so buttery!


Happy birthday everyone :tada:


I’m so happy for you, things are coming your way :green_heart:


I’m doing cartwheels on the inside!!! Thank you :two_hearts:

@Satans_Helper thank you :blush: :purple_heart:

I will be sure to check that out I love scallops :purple_heart::two_hearts::blush:

Thank you :purple_heart::blue_heart:


That’s so great! I’m sure the van will make things a lot easier and going to Salem? Awesome! And it’s always nice to make new friends. So glad things are going okay with you! You deserve all the good things coming to you!


Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::people_hugging::purple_heart:


Yayay i love all this good news!! Congratulations @Sivonnah!


That is all amazing news @Sivonnah! :clap: :tada: :partying_face: