Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Feb 19 - 25) šŸŒ•

Thankyou lovelies @marsha @Amethyst :heart:


Congratulations ladies for the shout-outs and for sharing and caring the mostest!

Looking forward to the full snow moon even if we didnā€™t get even a little bit of snow at all this year. itā€™s less and less every year. When I moved in 8 years ago, I made a snow easter bunny on my deck! :snowflake:

Sounds like a crazy storm!!! :cloud_with_lightning:

Well or extremely good luck as you survived! Yikes, thatā€™s a crazy experience.

:hugs: Yes you will!

Wow, I will have to check this out! I am one of those that whenever I get a head cold it goes to my chest and once in my chest, I cough for months. Covid and the flu were 10 weeks straight of coughing. I will have to add this to my arsenal.

Working on getting taxes done today and tomorrow. Not a fan of it. stresses me out beyond belief and we always owe.


Weā€™re in for a whole week of rain. And storms.

Itā€™s kind of nice, though. Usually weā€™d be worrying about fires and droughts. For once, it seems we might not have to.


Hey everyone ! Iā€™m off this week for Midwinter break. I donā€™t really have anything exciting planned , just Puttering around the house And doing some adulting like grooming the dog and finishing taxes. Iā€™m also trying to catch up on some reading and some writing Wishing everyone a great week!


Congrats to you both for the shout-outs!

Iā€™m feeling pretty good about this week even though its a little bit of a late start for me. And I didnā€™t even have yesterday off! But I havenā€™t let my work tasks pile up too much so Iā€™ve been feeling pretty good about things and not too too stressed. Which is a good thing. Iā€™ve gotta finish up my book club book and finish up a review so I can get started on my next book, Drawing Down the Moon (a super chunky one).

The weather is turning a corner here in the Midwest. Even though we had a snowstorm on Friday, the snow is melting around here and we are enjoying temps in the 40s and 50s. Itā€™s warming up and Iā€™m hoping to see some early bulbs come up soon. :wilted_flower: :wilted_flower:


Thankyou @Artemisia @BlueAngelite

@starborn I always loved rainy days to be honest gorgeous photo


Youā€™d love it here, it rains everyday, every week, every month, all year with the odd day of sunshine :rofl: Today, torrential rain and high winds (photo doesnā€™t pick up the rain :person_facepalming:)
Todayā€™s photo, the river is our path :person_facepalming:

@starborn Iā€™d feel at home with that sky. It is pretty :sparkling_heart:


Ooh! I love cloudy days, too. Sunlight is overrated. :laughing: But I do enjoy sunrise, sunset, and clear nights. Just not the rest. :sweat_smile:


Wow beautiful photos thatā€™s a lot of rain. :grimacing:

Same lol


I grew up using honey and onion as I had chronic bronchitis. Works amazingly well.


I used get bronchitis every year as a child and my doctor had told me i would always get it every year no matter what. I was in my early 20s at the time. That bugged me. I made sure when I started to get sick- even just a slight tickle- I drank liquorice root tea, honey lemon and ginger tea with a dash of cayenne pepper (all fresh) the honey and onion syrup and made sure I had enough vitamins c, b and zinc. I also would rub Watkins on my chest at night.

By winter number three I stopped getting bronchitis each year.

I hope you get your taxes done soon. It isnā€™t fun-especially when you owe!


I love the rain. Thanks for the pics. I feel so cozy when I look at them. Right now it is snowy and cold here. Kinda done with snow and cold but unfortunately it is not done with us. Lol

@starborn nice sky pics


I went to a earring making class yesterday with a friend and when they took out the charms unfortunately they didnā€™t have any matches so I ended up making these the key represents Hecateā€™s Key.


Those are precious crystal!


I think Spring has sprung in Texas yā€™all. Today was Sunny and 80 degrees, but the humidity is awful. Had to turn A/C on just to dry the air out. If itā€™s 80 degrees in February, then we are probably looking at triple digits for Summer again.


Thank you @Ostara :grin: :purple_heart:


Beautiful work! :heart_eyes: I kinda love that they donā€™t match. :black_heart:

I tend to mix and match my own earrings. :sweat_smile:


Wow I really love those badass :rose:


@crystal59 So pretty. :green_heart:


Thank you so much @Devenne and @tracyS Iā€™m glad you like them :grin: :grey_shades_heart: :hekate_wheel: