Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Feb 19 - 25) 🌕

Welcome to your weekly update about what’s happening in both the forum and the witchy world at large :newspaper_roll:

Scroll down to read the news for this week :eyes:

Please remember that you must be logged into your active Spells8 account in order to view content located in A Sacred Space and the Energy Exchange.

Don’t have an account yet? No worries! You can join Spells8 here :sparkles:

Upcoming Events :spiral_calendar:

Mark your calendars so you don’t miss out on these upcoming events and occasions!

[ [ Group Ritual :infinite_roots: ] ]

Imbolc Sabbat Season

→ Thursday, February 22

You’re invited to a group ritual meditation- this activity and discussion is open to all active Coven members :tea: The ritual has step-by-step instructions that you can join in on your own schedule at any time during the day.

Group rituals are held on Thursday in A Sacred Space and remain open over the weekend. Feel free to check out last week’s group ritual to get an idea about what to expect.

UPDATE: This week’s group ritual post has arrived! Feel free to view the ritual here:

(Group Ritual - Feb 22) :snowflake: A Cup for the Full Snow Moon

[ [ Group Healing Session :handshake: ] ]

EEC February 2024

→ Thursday, February 22 at 8:00 PM ET

Join a group healing circle to support those who are going through hard times this month. Microphones and cameras will be turned off during this one-hour open space, and coven members are welcome to come and go as they please. This will be the final of five healing sessions in February.

For more information about the Energy Exchange Circle, please see the section below in Ongoing Activities or visit the Energy Exchange.

[ [ Weekend Divination - Free Readings :flower_playing_cards: ] ]

Weekend Divination with Megan Black

→ Friday, February 23

Have a question on your mind? Seeking some guidance on how to best approach a problem? :thinking: This is your chance to find some answers, as the talented @MeganB is kindly offering free readings via tarot and oracle cards! :raised_hands:

Look for the post in the Energy Exchange on Friday- free readings will be available throughout the weekend and will close on Sunday. You can check out the previous Weekend Divination to know what to expect when this week’s Weekend Divination post arrives.

[ [ Moon Phase: Full Moon :full_moon: ] ]


→ Saturday, February 24

This week, the skies will shine with the beauty of a full moon. The exact time of peak illumination will depend on your location.

February’s moon is called the Full Snow Moon :snowflake: in the Northern Hemisphere, named after the heavy snowfall that some areas experience at this time of year. In the Southern Hemisphere, this moon is the Full Sturgeon Moon :fish:


While each moon has its own unique qualities, every full moon is a celebrated time when the energy of the moon is at its most powerful. Now is a wonderful time to charge, cleanse, and absorb the potent energies of the moon.

For additional full moon inspiration, visit What to Do During the Full Moon :full_moon_with_face:

Ready for More Moon Magick? You can find complementary spells and rituals for tonight’s moon on the Spells8 Lunar Spell Page :astrology_moon:

[ [ Additional Events of Interest :mag: ] ]

Other Events - MMM

A collection of interesting (and perhaps conversation-starting!) events coming up this week:

Stay on top of witchy news by printing or downloading the NEW 2024 Pagan Holiday Calendar and adding the Spells8 Forum Events Calendar to your digital calendar :spiral_calendar:

You can also get the free Spells8 Email Newsletter for even more witchy updates (plus magickal freebies!) delivered right to your email inbox three times a week :envelope_with_arrow:

Ongoing Activities :raised_hands:

These activities are open to enjoy whenever you’d like- feel free to participate anytime before their deadlines!

[ [ Weekly Witchy Challenge :trophy: ] ]

The current challenge theme is: Science & Witchcraft :scientist:

Science Magick Witch Challenge

Every week, the forum hosts a challenge exploring a specific area of magick. Challenges are open to everyone and all are warmly encouraged to participate in a way that reflects their unique magickal practice.

This challenge will remain open until Tuesday, February 19 at 7:00 AM EDT (Eastern US Time). After the challenge closes, a “Props and Presents” post will appear to give recognition and prizes to all participants :gift:

Are you ready? Join the current challenge here:

(A brand new challenge will launch on Wednesday in the public Activities category )

[ [ Spells8 Book Club :books: ] ]

Spells8 Book Club

The 35th Session of Blook Club has come to an end- thank you to everyone who participated! :blush: If you haven’t done so already, please feel free to share and swap your book reviews in the new discussion thread:

The next reading session of Book Club will begin this Friday, February 23 - so pick out a fun witchy book to read and let your coven know what you’ll be reading at that time!

More information about the book club and how to join can be found in Book Club F.A.Q and Introduction . Book club and reviews are hosted in the public Activities category.

Happy Reading!

[ [ Energy Exchange Circle :hugs: ] ]

Spells8 Energy Exchange Circle

Do you have a little extra love and light to share with fellow Coven members? Or perhaps you’ve fallen on hard times and could use a boost of positive energy yourself?

The Energy Exchange Circle is hosted in the Energy Exchange is the place to connect and share love with fellow Coven members going through hard times. To do a good deed and show that you care, consider leaving a note of support in the current thread:

More information about the Coven’s wholesome energy exchange can be found in the Energy Exchange Wiki .

This month’s Energy Exchange Circle will end on Thursday, February 29 .

Thanks for spreading the love! :heart:

[ [ Coven Member Birthdays :birthday: ] ]

coven birthdays

Come wish your fellow Coven members well on their special days! You can congratulate those with a birthday this month in the discussion:

If you wish to appear in this list, please set your birthday on your profile. Additionally, please note that the birthday list is housed in the private, Coven members-only A Sacred Space.

This month’s birthday discussion will remain open through Thursday, February 29.

[ [ Your Daily Draw :tarot_card: ] ]

Daily Single Draws Tarot Oracle Rune

Looking for a bit of higher guidance to help you out today? This collection of daily oracle card (as well as tarot and rune) readings is available for you to access and read thanks to the generosity of the Coven :pray:

To enjoy a daily message or to share your own, visit:

Please note that this divination discussion is housed in A Sacred Space and will remain open until Sunday, March 31.

[ [ Tending the Flame :fire: ] ]

Tending Brigid's Flame

Stop by the fire and tend the flame of the Goddess Brigid with your Coven- this ongoing discussion invites all to come in, relax, and pick up a bit of motivation and support for the day.

Share a picture of your own flames or simply enjoy the lights of the coven! :candle: Help tend the flame and visit the discussion in:

The Brigid Flametender discussion is hosted in A Sacred Space and will remain open throughout the year- please feel free to enjoy this activity as often as you’d like.

New Members :wave:

Merry meet to the new members who have joined the Spells8 Forum over the past week!

:infinite_roots: Welcome to the Forum and the Infinite Roots Coven! :infinite_roots:

@erin2 - @justin - @rachel24 - @alice5 - @ashley28 - @lilla - @lani - @stephen5 - @samantha23 - @renee18 - @kelly41 - @diane2 - @chelsea3 - @kat2 - @Shy13 - @veronica - @LadyH - @alexandra3 - @alexus - @jessica23 - @lola1 - @ashley30 - @patrycja - @jessica26 - @brecklyn - @rachael3 - @keis - @tracy11 - @ashley31 - @lupa - @ashley32 - @rebecca11 - @sharon6 - @ManickPixie222 - @meredith1 - @allyson11 - @jessica27 - @nicola1 - @sabrina1 - @audrey - @shannon15 - @adea - @michelle30 - @panoskand - @jeannie - @aubrey3 - @bella - @tab - @ashley33 - @jessika7 - @candace3 - @cassidy3 - @anna3 - @stormie1 - @cayla1 - @nadine2 - @maetee3 - @kristie4 - @essence - @jen - @anna4 - @shannon45 - @lj11 - @montel - @alaina - @sara13 - @dr1 - @shanna1 - @hayley10 - @susan7 - @kayla18 - @kevin4 - @lily - @vicky4 - @tatum - @nekole - @tiffani - @AliciaC623 - @kaitlyn

If you haven’t done so already, please get started by creating a new topic in Introductions. Feel free to share a bit about who you are and your journey into practicing magick, or simply say a quick hello- we’d love to meet you! :wave: :heart:

Wishing you a very warm welcome to the forum! :hugs:

Special Shout-Outs :loudspeaker:

Forum Activity

Each week, those who share the most posts and give the most hearts receive a shout-out and thank you for their contributions.

Shout-outs from this past week go to:

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and inspiration through posts and your love and support through hearts- your time here helping the coven is greatly appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Click here to learn more about Activity Shout-Out Rewards

Anyone who earns a shout-out for three weeks in a row is awarded the special MMM badge (and will not be counted in Activity shout-outs again for a two-month rest period- this is so that others will have a chance to earn the badge too!) .

The legends who have won the MMM badge 5 times will no longer be counted- they have earned their place in the Forum Hall of Fame ! :trophy:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And Thank YOU! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

We’d also like to say a very big thank you to all members of Spells8 :infinite_roots:

Your contributions and presence here help to make this a welcoming and supportive place for solitary witches all around the world. Thanks for being a part- Spells8 can’t exist without you! :hugs::sparkling_heart:

Will you be casting any spells, making moon water, or doing other magick for the full moon this week? :magic_wand:

Whether it’s magickal or mundane, feel free to share your plans for the week, chat about upcoming spellwork, or give a shout-out to your fellow coven members in the comments below.

Blessed be! :full_moon: :sparkles:


Congratulations @Satans_Helper and @tracyS! You two are a true blessing to our Coven!


Congratulations @tracyS :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Welcome to the new members :v::v::v::v::v:


Awwwwwwww :two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

Thankyou @Ostara


Congratulations @Satans_Helper and @tracyS! Love you both~ :black_heart: :silver_heart: :sparkles:

Monday has already come and gone for me, but here’s what the sky was like half an hour before sunset. :black_heart:

It was a rough stormy day for Sydney. Some 75,000 lightning strikes in 3 hours, an entire train line taken down when lightning hit some signals, damaged homes, flooding, and a few unfortunate people struck by lightning (but they’re okay).

For us, we had yet another evacuation. Yep, that’s number four in… How many days? 8? :face_exhaling:

Annoying, but we’re getting really good at our evacuation procedure. We have both cats in their carriers and are out the door with a backpack of essentials within 3 minutes. :sparkles:


Thankyou for the shout-out @BryWisteria :partying_face:
Thankyou @starborn @Ostara @Satans_Helper :green_heart::sparkling_heart::green_heart:

That photo is gorgeous, but that’s alot of lightning. :flushed:

Why are you having so many evacuations? Are there genuine fires or is the system over-eager. That sounds really stressful especially for the cats :flushed::green_heart:

Today, we had rain, but now sun. I hope the sun stays. I’m going to do an offering to Apollo (there’s some nice prayers I think in the app), though I’m afraid of offending Thor, hence the dilemma. :person_shrugging: But we’ve had enough rain! My lawn has turned to mud, and my dog refuses to go for a walk, she sticks her nose outside and comes back in :rofl:. So I’m hoping the sun will stay, for a bit, don’t want to be greedy, but a few days would be nice :partying_face:. But I’ve just received another flood alert on my phone. Really! I’m going to buy a boathouse :flushed::crazy_face:

Hope you all have a good week, and start to see the joys of spring or autumn blossom. :sparkling_heart: (What season is it meant to be in Australia?)


Thank you for sharing the beautiful pic. That is a lot of lightning. I used to love lightning, but then I got struck and I don’t like it so much anymore. Lol! :cloud_with_lightning:


One of them was genuine. Someone dropped a lit cigarette down the garbage chute, and it set the bins on fire, setting off the sprinklers. This was on Friday. :woman_facepalming:

Today, it was someone pressing the emergency evacuation button themselves. No fire, but it was done by someone intentionally from within the secured building. No idea who. We will push to get security cameras added where there are accessible evacuation buttons.

A time before that was a “kid” pressing the evacuation button. Whether “kid” means a 7-year-old or a 17-year-old is unknown to me. :woman_shrugging:

Not sure what the other one was, but it was surely another false alarm.

The cats aren’t loving it, but they hang around us for lots of cuddles and pets afterwards. They’re both sleeping very peacefully right now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It was wild listening to it for the 3 hour period that the storm lasted for. We didn’t get the worst of it here, fortunately.

Oh. And apparently some company has spread asbestos throughout Sydney because they mixed it into mulch. So it’s all through various gardens and even schools, some of which have had to shut down for the week. :woman_facepalming:

So much destruction and drama. Gosh. :sweat_smile:

Oh my gosh… :scream: That’s what it gets for striking you. Friendship over with lightning! :laughing:

I’m glad you’re okay after that. :people_hugging: :black_heart: (Or am I being presumptuous here? :sweat_smile: )


There was one lightning strike in the county that day and it hit me. Talk about bad luck. Lol!


ongratulations @Satans_Helper and @tracyS :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Welcome to the new members :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thankyou @starborn

I love when the sky looks like that. Beautiful photo.

Thankyou @tracyS @BryWisteria @AIRAM


Beautiful photo. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy Monday, friends :heart: I’m hoping for a nice, easy week - kiddo is out of school for her February break this week and I’m working on getting into a routine that will work for me. Exercise, coffee, reading, etc. - I nnnneeeedddd this structure back in my life :sweat_smile:

I haven’t posted this on Instagram yet (but I will soon!) but I made a cough syrup this morning. Kiddo is also sick - allergies leading to cough, dry weather leading to bronchitis… it’s normal for us at this point. Anyway, I saw a video on TikTok of someone making cough syrup with an onion and some honey. So, I did some digging and a bit of research and decided to make my own! Of course, I made it witchy, too - the jar has the ogham nGetal on it in blue and green, a letter and colors associated with healing.

I thought it was going to taste really, really gross - I mean, honey and onions? Puh-lease… but anyway, it actually tastes really, really good :rofl: enough that even my kiddo didn’t mind it. She’s not a fan of honey, but a guarantee she wouldn’t guess that it’s made with onion, too.

Here’s some information on this honey/onion cough syrup recipe if you want it. So far, it’s working well and since it’s not pharmaceutical medicine, we can take it several times a day without fear of overdosing.

→ Honey and Onion Cough Syrup - Little Home in the Making
→ Honey Onion Syrup Recipe to Boost Your Immune System ~
→ Honey and Onion Syrup - Your Go-To Cough Remedy

Whhaaatttt??? Again?! That’s crazy! I mean, it’s good practice, but sheesh – stressful!


@MeganB That looks fabulous. I use honey, olive oil and whisky, equal parts (1 tbsp each) mix and leave in fridge, use within 24 hours. It helps soothe an irritated throat. Give a teaspoon at a time. Also onions are good, if you chop them into 4 parts, leave the skin on, put them into a bowl of boiling water and leave by bedside at night, the aroma helps with breathing. It makes your room stink, but hey :person_shrugging::grin:

Hope she gets well soon. :sparkling_heart:


This is a pretty good cough syrup - I’m honestly surprised :joy: but now that my kid has seen the jar with the onions still in it, she’s like eewww mom this is gross! :rofl: Too bad for her, she still has to take it! I’ll keep the info about the onions in the water and bedroom. We’d probably do that in the living areas because the cat likes to get into everything in our rooms, but I’m sure it’ll still be the same!

Thank you! :hugs:


I’m hoping for a more productive week! I sat around doing nothing last week! I’m off to a good start! Made some phone calls and going for groceries today. Hope everyone has a great week!

Congratulations :tada::purple_heart: @Satans_Helper @tracyS


Thanks a lot lovely witch you. Sending you love and energy. :magic_wand:


Shout-outs :loudspeaker: from this past week go to @Satans_Helper & @tracyS :partying_face:
Thank you :pray: both for all you do for us!
With love :hugs: and hugs :revolving_hearts: always


Congratulations @Satans_Helper and @tracyS! Thank you for all the love you’ve given to your community this past week! You’re great!

I went to the shrink last Monday and they upped my antidepressants, which is a good thing. Now I just have to wait for it to kick in. I’ll get there yet!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!