Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Feb 5 - 11) 🌑

Congrats to you all! And hope you have a great week.
Work on your The WITCH badge next. :star_struck:

For the new moon this week, I’ve already begun to set some strong goals for me and my dog as a team in my tracking sport. I’ve gotten some positive feedback from one of our tracking instructors that we may be ready to certify, the first step toward being ready to enter in a tracking test. So we are making great progress. Sorry for this to be all dog-related but it’s taken years of practice and training for us to be at this point and I’m very proud and excited. I know my amulet that I consecrated a couple of weeks ago in the good luck challenge has had something to do with it as well since I haven’t really taken it off. :four_leaf_clover:

I’m working on SDC & Imbolc by cleaning, reducing, and decluttering areas of my home little by little throughout this week and next. Thanks to @Artemisia for creating that post for motivation.

And just continuing to read Weave the Liminal for Spells8 Book Club.

The weather is pretty nice here in Illinois. Bright and sunny with a high in the 40s. Great for a walk midday. Enjoy the changing weather in your neck of the woods. Is spring peeking out there? :wilted_flower: