Imbolc & SDC 📦

:warning: warning: CW: This post mentions Death as it’s in the name of the cleaning/decluttering method :warning:

This post and idea have been brewing for a while and although I’m not sure I’ve got all the details worked out completely yet.

(Westend61 / Getty Images)

One of the new-to-me-topics I’m interested in is Swedish Death Cleaning (SDC).

Haven’t heard of it? Neither had I until a few months ago and someone in my Hygge Witch FaceBook group mentioned it as something she was working on so I of course found a SDC FB group to learn and for support.

What is SDC or döstädning and where did it come from?

SDC, also known as “döstädning” in Swedish, is a concept popularized by Margareta Magnusson in her book “The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter.” The idea behind Swedish death cleaning is to declutter and organize your home so that your loved ones won’t be burdened with the task of sorting through your possessions after you pass away.

The process involves systematically going through your belongings, deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to discard. It’s a practical and reflective approach to downsizing and simplifying one’s life. The term “death cleaning” doesn’t necessarily imply that the person is near death but rather emphasizes the proactive and considerate nature of the cleaning process.

Links to read more about SDC

Swedish Death Cleaning Checklist
What Is Swedish Death Cleaning? - Döstädning
What is Swedish death cleaning? Döstädning explained - Routes North
Swedish Death Cleaning: a beginner's guide | Real Homes

Ok, how does this tie into Imbolc if, at all?


Imbolc, traditionally celebrated around February 1st or 2nd, marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s a time associated with the first signs of spring and the increasing daylight making it the perfect time for reflection, renewal, and embracing the positive changes associated with the approaching spring season.

Choosing Imbolc as a time to begin SDC can be symbolically significant, aligning with themes of renewal, cleansing, and the emergence of new beginnings. The transition from winter to spring can inspire a sense of rejuvenation and the shedding of unnecessary burdens, making it a fitting time for decluttering and organizing.

There’s no actual link between the two but I’m choosing Imbolc as the perfect time to start my 14-day SDC Challenge!


I am starting mine on February 1st and would love to have others join in for a day or the whole challenge! I would love to use this post as a place to share successes and be accountable.

Sounds fun? Are you in?

(The Spruce / Jason Donnelly)


  • This is from my own personal checklist. You might now have the same spaces or areas to work on.

  • The way I plan on doing this is to get a big chunk of this completed over 14 days. The goal isn’t to get everything done but rather to get a running start and get some of the big, obvious items gone and everything cleaned. Then I plan on revisiting the list in 30 days to see what still needs doing. From there I will probably keep a few areas every month and the rest a once or twice-a-year schedule so I make sure that over time my priorities haven’t changed and perhaps I’m now ready to declutter more things.


:sun_with_face: :star2: :seedling:
Day 1 – The Kitchen Counter :woman_cook:

Kitchen Counter


  • Take everything off the counter. Every. Single. Thing.
  • Wipe it down.
  • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
  • Decide what can be stored.
  • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Clean kitchen floor

Day 2 – The Master Bathroom :bath:

Master Bathroom


  • Take every single thing
    • Out of shower
      • Wipe it down.
      • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
      • Decide what can be stored.
      • Decide what can be SDCd.
    • Off counters
      • Wipe it down.
      • Decide what NEEDS to go back.
      • Decide what can be stored.
      • Decide what can be SDCd.
    • Out of drawers
      • Wipe it down.
      • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
      • Decide what can be stored.
      • Decide what can be SDCd.
    • Out of cabinets
      • Wipe it down.
      • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
      • Decide what can be stored.
      • Decide what can be SDCd.
    • Clean bathmats
    • Clean bathroom floor

Day 3 – The Food :canned_food:

  • Remove spices from lazy Susan
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Remove spices from spice rack
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Take everything out of pantry
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Remove everything from fridge
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Remove everything from freezer
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Clean pantry floor

Day 4 – The Entryways :door:

  • Wash the front door
  • wash the garage door
  • wash the glass doors
  • Remove everything from mudroom cubbies
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Remove everything from the front closet
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.
  • Remove everything from under stair storage
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be stored.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.

Day 5 – Clothing (part 1) :tshirt:
Today we add in a concept from Mari Condo - Does it spark joy?
This is an easier day to help up get in the right mindset for tomorrow.

Clothing - Part 1
  • Pick three outfits or items that I feel GREAT in or speak to me.
  • Write down why I love them or how I feel in them.
  • These will be things to keep in mind tomorrow when I go through all my clothes.

Day 6 – Clothing (part 2) :coat:
Keeping the feelings and intent from yesterday

Clothing - part 2
  • Take everything out of closet
  • Take everything out of drawers
  • Try it on
  • How does it make me feel?
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.

Day 7 – Purse/Wallet :handbag:


Take everything out of purse
* Decided what NEEDS to go back.
* Decide what can be SDCd.
* Add a bay leaf, vial of cinnamon or crystal for abundance in pouch to put back.

Day 8 – Reflect on progress :relieved:

You/I/We ROCK!!! Be proud of what you’ve done so far and don’t be discouraged if you aren’t where you want to be right now. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Progress is progress. Be proud of yourself!

  • Make sure donation items are recorded and photographed for tax records.

Day 9 – Sleeping Space(s) :sleeping_bed:

  • Wipe down surfaces
  • Clean under bed
  • Wipe down ceiling fan
  • Clean out dresser drawers
    • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
    • Decide what can be SDCd.

Day 10 – Work Space :desktop_computer:

Work Space
  • Clear everything off the desk
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decide what NEEDS to go back
    • Decide what can be stored
    • Decide what can be SDCd
  • Clear everything off the workbench
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decide what NEEDS to go back
    • Decide what can be stored
    • Decide what can be SDCd
  • Pick everything up off the floor
    • Vacuum floor
    • Steam clean stains
  • Take everything off closet shelves
    • Wipe it down.
    • Decide what NEEDS to go back
    • Decide what can be stored
    • Decide what can be SDCd
  • Take everything off the closet floor
    • Vacuum floor
    • Steam clean stains
  • Look into every box
    • Decide what NEEDS to go back
    • Decide what can be stored
    • Decide what can be SDCd

Day 11 – Calendar :spiral_calendar:

  • Begin with a blank weekly calendar with an hourly breakdown
  • List all the things you need to do
  • List all the things you want to do
  • Cross out things that someone else can do or doesn’t need to be done.
  • Schedule the rest

Day 12 – Magickal Practice :star2:

Sacred Spaces
  • Clear everything off bookcase/altar

    • Wipe it down.
    • Decide what NEEDS to go back
    • Decide what can be stored
    • Decide what can be SDCd

Day 13 – Car / Paperwork / Attic

This is a bit of a catchall day. You might not have these items or want to add them into your SDC.

  • Take everything out.
  • Wipe it down.
  • Decided what NEEDS to go back.
  • Decide what can be stored.
  • Decide what can be SDCd.

Day 14 – Attachments to Perfection :tada:

You’ve done it! We’re at day 14!! How did you do? Didn’t finish? Are unhappy about your progress? Let it go…

  • Declutter expectation
  • Let go of being perfect.


If you have any questions, or concerns or catch any errors in my post, please let me know. I don’t think I’ve ever attempted to create something this big and I am not nearly as good at it as @BryWisteria or @MeganB (mods feel free to add the appropriate tags, sections or formatting!)


I think I’ve already begun. Thank you for the chance to vent.

Yesterday, I cleaned out 3 computers, a tablet, 7 jump drives, and an external hard drive. I’ve been finding things that don’t work for me and creating a pile for the free table in the lobby. If they don’t work period, I trash them, of course.

I’m set up to look for holes in my clothes as I wear each item over the next few weeks.

Kitchen overstock and outdates are flowing fairly well. If I eat pancakes the next few days, I can remove mix before it is outdated. I have tons of canned food which I find I don’t eat regularly, so I am focusing on eating them up to remove the clutter. The freezer is almost clear of anything older- eating up frozen strawberries which clumped, hamburger & hot dogs from fall. Dried fruit lasts forever, it seems, but I have more than most, so that will be a focal point, soon.

The bathroom is organized, as is the under bed HBA stock.

Craft supplies are organized, but I could go back through tools for things I won’t be using any time soon.

I’ve been removing empty boxes and plastic bottles on a regular basis. Bottles were kept for reuse, but I found myself collecting too many. Replaced the ones in use in case of germs.

These seem like little things no one can see when they walk in my apartment, but they can create subconscious blocks.

As for lightening my load for those who come after, no one I know is coming. My things have been kept toward a minimum because of moving… often. Thus I use it up or give the extras away before I move. I’m only allowed to take what I can carry unless I’m just moving down the road. Even so, I do have lots of blank books and things I use on a regular basis. The way I figure it is death is like moving across the country. If I need it when I get there, it will be available. Otherwise, it isn’t worth the weight to carry.


I really want to do this!!!
Especially the clothing part. I’ve been on a weight loss journey for the past year, and my size has changed a lot and my clothing is a little all over the place. I feel like I’m doing pretty good on my stuff in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and office, but I can ALWAYS pare down.

I may be moving in the next 18 months so, it’s best to really minimize beforehand.


You are doing great already @georgia !

I’ve taken a look at each day’s entry @Artemisia and already entered them into my calendar for February so I’m locked in. Consider me enrolled in this Imbolc +SDC challenge! :ballot_box_with_check:

One thing I may have to adapt or extend is the clothing one but I think it would be fine to tackle the closet (less clothing) in Part 1 while selecting 3 great outfits. And then tackle my dresser in part 2 (jam packed). :womans_clothes:
I even took a pre-peek at my closet today and “found” an old boiled wool blazer that is super warm and fancy. I was freezing cold today since we had an ice storm, so I threw it on. Perfect. I haven’t worn it in years. A little upscale for a work from home day but who cares and now I know I have that article of clothing that fits and is great! :sweat_smile:


For me, the whole SDC is less about who I leave things to afterward (as I have no children) and more about the fact that since I haven’t moved in 8 years, things are accumulating. Things I don’t need. Things I don’t want. Things I don’t use.

I have moved 18 times in my life, 11 different cities, 7 different states. The most I’d ever lived in one place was 7 years and I moved an average of every 4 years. I was good at moving and streamlining things. It became “Do I want to carry this (piece of furniture, box of books, appliance, house plant) yet again up and down stairs or can I live without it?” Honestly, I was better at packing and loading moving trucks than the professionals. If I couldn’t make it fit, then I didn’t need it.

Staying in one place, I don’t buy a ton, but I release fewer items than I used to. If that makes sense. I’m hoping to get back to a place where I actually know where all of my things are and stop holding on to things I don’t like or won’t use.

Congratualtions! That’s no easy task! I did the same and ended up realizing I had bag and bags of perfectly usable clothes that I didn’t like or didn’t fit. I donated them to a place that assists a women’s shelter.

That’s another perk to doing this, finding things I had forgotten I still have and can use!


yeah. They do that- way too easily. It’s like the old joke about hangers multiplying.

The first time I moved, Mom found a giant cupboard full of camping equipment which was older than I was! I never knew it was there, but I was still a bit young.

It seems like most of my stuff gets hidden behind other things to the point that I don’t know what I have unless I do an SDC or Native Give- Away every year. I do them to find space- both in the closets, and within myself.

My move pattern has been about every 5 years since the first in 1991. I’m getting tired of it, and I want to settle down for the rest of my life. Most of the time, it seems like I’m not the one choosing to move- complexes getting sold out from under us, renovations, neighbor issues, etc. I don’t know how to stay put anymore, so this will be a learning curve, if I am allowed to stay.


Imbolc sounds like the perfect time to do some meaningful SDC and rejuvinate the space in time for spring! :seedling: :blush:

You’re really on a roll with this, Artemisia- I’m so impressed! Gosh, I need to dig out the boxes and get things more organized around here. There’s a lot of stuff (especially old clothes and things that no longer fit) that ought to go. I better get cracking on my own spring cleaning work- you’re an inspiration! :raised_hands: :witch_broom: :sparkles:

You’ve done absolutely beautifully, Artemisia- your knack for good organization and clean presentation carried through in the post itself. Looks great! :heart: :blush:

Thank you so much for sharing- I’m cheering you on with your SDC! :sparkling_heart:


I’ve heard of this SDC but I’ve never looked too far into it. I think it’s a great thing to do - both for cleaning sake and for family sake.

I’ll see what I can do about joining in - I think this is a great time to do some major cleaning!


@Artemisia I relate. In the past 10 years, I’ve moved 5 times including cross-country. It’s a lot. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, but I don’t really “love” moving. I pare down as much as I can and pack extremely tight. Get rid of furniture mostly. Not looking forward to moving again but I would like to move closer to my family on the east coast and I currently live in the midwest. I’m thinking about it…


I’ve only moved 16 times in 3 different states, but for a while the average time spent in a house was 3 months. I got it down to 6 hours a move. That was while running a business, lol. I have lived in my current home for 40 years. It would be a real problem to sort all this crap to move somewhere else. Time to clear debris I suppose :rofl:



Did it.
I took everything off the counter and cleaned the counter and cleaned each item. I appreciated the opportunity to get back into those nooks and crannies of the countertops that rarely see the light of day by removing EVERYTHING from the counter.

A lot of the stuff from the counter needed a good scrub like the knife block and inside and outside of the spatula container. Most of the stuff went back on the counter because my kitchen is not my “hot zone” so I keep it pretty minimalist already. I did put away three things: my two battery-lit candles from my kitchen window. They were a hold-over from Yule, and I felt good putting them away in seasonal storage since we are moving into Imbolc now. And my big wok that I usually keep on the cooktop. I put it in storage underneath in the cabinets, because it doesn’t really need to be out. I pre-cleaned the kitchen counters last week so I put away a secondary coffee pot I had on the counter. It was mostly for my dog sitter, just in case she didn’t prefer K-cups. So I put it back in storage in the garage, so it didn’t have to be out all the time.


Did it!
Modified this one a little bit because I don’t have cabinets in my bathroom, just drawers. And my bathmat and floor were good. But my shower stuff needed a good cleaning and so did the shower caddy on the wall so that turned out great. I paid the most attention to the countertop and the drawers. Ended up getting rid of a few older nail polishes, some makeup, and an old knee brace. I moved some small towels to another cabinet with the rest of my towels in a different space. Did a wipe down of all the drawers. Decided to donate a travel train case. Could have gone through my necklaces and earrings but kept them in a bit of a small mess in a container, that would have taken too much time. My goal is to have very few things on the counter to make it easier to clean and wipe down the countertop and not to collect visual clutter, so I store things that I use frequently on two shelves on the wall for easy access or in drawers. :soap:

I live by myself so my thoughts go out to those of you to share a bathroom with someone else like a partner / family members / roommates / children. I haven’t had to do that in a while and it must be hard! I was just thinking if I had to share space in this bathroom, I would probably need to reduce my bathroom stuff by about half or store it elsewhere. I think I could do it - but it would be a real challenge. Maybe the best relationships don’t share bathrooms? (if they can afford it of course) :interrobang:


Ok, I’m a day late but yesterday was not happening for me. I needed a rest/me day. And yes I was disappointed in myself that I didn’t get to it especially considering this was my idea BUT…despite having the urge to delete the whole post and pretend I never said anything, I decided not to give up.

Today started off better right from the start. I slept better and got REM sleep too so I felt better. After running out to do grocery shopping (that I should have done yesterday), I put on some Critical Role :game_die: to listen and watch while I worked and got to work on this…

It had to be done in a multi-step process. Move things from one section of the counters to another while I cleaned the first section.

I still have the vent hood grease panels and the stove-top iron burners in the dishwasher, but I’m really pleased with how much I got done today.

I’ve taken a little nap, got some snacks in me and I’m on to the master bathroom!


What I decluttered from the kitchen counters - we have a charging station that we really don’t use other than random electronics are piled on, I’ve pulled those items to go over once the SO gets home. If it was up to me… :laughing:

:sweat_smile: Phew, ok. Master Bathroom done! No before photos but I did get everything off and get the counters cleaned.

The decluttering part was way way way too many towels. Each time a set gets worn, it goes into the cabinet and a new set gets put up. I’ve been doing this for the last 8 years without ever getting rid of the old ones.

Woo hoo! On to food tomorrow. :cook:


I’m so happy you didn’t delete the post!!! And glad you stuck with it even a day late, it’s all about starting it. The rest day and snacks clearly helped with energy.

If you are looking for a place to donate towels, usually pet shelters can use them or vet clinics. Call and ask if they need them.

Great work @Artemisia ! :full_moon_with_face:


I cleaned mine as well! Was surprised how dirty and dusty it had become. I also made sure I got the undersides of the little appliance. Oy. Amazing how the dirt builds on on these things.

I was just thinking about how I was going to handle the master closet, he has more things in there than I do! :joy:

Great work, looking good! :muscle:


Hold up. You like tabletop RPGs?! :astonished: How did I not notice this before!

Or I did, and I forgot. Ugh. Sorry. My brain this last week. I think I had one too many headaches and fevers. :woman_facepalming:

By the way, you and @BlueAngelite both have beautiful kitchens. :smile: :black_heart:


I have yet to embark on this cleaning thing :sweat_smile: This whole week and weekend are packed full of so much going on that I just haven’t had the extra time. However, I think I’ll have some time on Monday to take care of the first few days - we’ll see!


I’m gonna get to it! I kinda started with my craft room. I’m going to do my bedroom. My son’s going to help me


DnD, Pathfinder, MMORPs, yes ma’am I do! :slight_smile:

In an ideal world… and since it’s not, just do what you can when you can. I will likely revisit this in another month or so to take care of things I didn’t get to initially.

Yay, glad to hear it!

Today was a bit of a “scaled-down” version of the schedule. I had a 12-mile run this morning and didn’t really want to do this, but decided the pantry would suffice. Little did I know that I wouldn’t be done until 2 hours later and included reorganizing the under-stairs storage as that is where the other half of the empty beer/cider bottles for brewing are stored.
I really should have taken the before photos. The top shelf in the pantry was crammed to the ceiling with appliance boxes. You know, just in case we have to return them. :woman_facepalming: I recycled enough to fill our recycle bin even with all of them broken down.

Then I pulled out the brewing supplies, old beer and cider, and so many empty bottles haphazardly in buckets and boxes.

Put all the empties I felt we needed, to join the ones that lived under the stairs. Supplies all in one place in the back of the pantry.

Is it all done? No, not yet, but I made a huge dent in the pantry and cleaned out fo many things that didn’t need to be there.

I am not sure how angry my back is going to be with me tomorrow after all this, so yoga, yoga, yoga, and :crossed_fingers:

I am thankful that tomorrow is a bit easier of a plan. Well, I hope it will be! :laughing: