Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week (Sep 16 - 22) ⚫

Congratulations to @Satans_Helper and @Artemisia! Thank you for all you share with the community!

I think I actually know what I’m doing for the Equinox for once! @SilverBear’s An Easy Spell for Mabon looks lovely and I’m going to try it!

Now I just need to figure out what to do for the Full Moon, what with it being the Supermoon and an Eclipse. Sheesh. That’s gonna be a lot of wild energy running around.

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow with a new doctor in a town I’ve never been in. So that’s a bit nerve wracking. Other than that, the week should go smoothly for me.

It’s getting nice and cool in the evenings but still staying warm during the day. I can’t wait till it gets really cool and I can put on my warm and fuzzy blanket on my bed!

Hope everyone has a good week!