Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Sep 18 - 24) 🍎

@Ostara oh my, how awful. Here’s hoping for a better week, and an understanding neighbour :sparkling_heart::pleading_face::sparkling_heart:


Oh my Gods, @Ostara – that’s awful! You’re doing everything right with your dog to protect other dogs from him because you know his behavior. Obviously, I’m not a dog trainer or anything :sweat_smile: but I 100% agree with you that your neighbor needs to have his dog under control. Just because Blue is friendly doesn’t mean other dogs are, ya know? :pray: Hopefully, your neighbor keeps his dog under control and under supervision.


@tracyS and @MeganB I love animals, but my husband and the deputy said pepper spray. It will hurt but it won’t do permanent damage, so when I take him out I have pepper spray in my pocket now. I’m sure if I spray her with that she will stay in her yard. I hope it won’t come to that. My mail lady didn’t deliver a package last Friday because of an “animal”. It wasn’t my animal. Smh.


Pepper spray sounds like your best option. I know it’s painful, but it’s not permanent (as you said) and it can save everyone from a more damaging encounter!


@Ostara there is nothing worse than someone who lets their dogs run. I am glad you weren’t hurt worse.


I think she went to a friends house for a couple of days, but she’s back. I was sitting outside and I heard her bark.


:hugs: :kissing_heart: :heart: :pink_heart:


Oh god Ostara, my beautiful friend. I’m so soo sorry for all that! :worried: :pleading_face: I absolutely second Tracy’s words here
 praying for all things to get smooth now
literally, it’s just good that you weren’t hurt too much. And also what Megan said is actually right! Pepper spray would be perfect. Just consider using it or keeping it with you my love. :hugs: :pink_heart: Stay safe, healthy & happy my dearest, I’m wishing you a very blessed and soothing Mabon!! :people_hugging: :brown_heart: :maple_leaf: :heart: :fallen_leaf: :pentacle_tarot:


@Ostara i have 2 smallish dogs. Very friendly. I think has one has small dog complex, he kinda puffs out his chest to look bigger haha :smile: anyway, my neighbor has a really big and loud dog and really a bit scary. We’re fortunate that there’s a fence between our yards. But, when the neighbor’s dog comes out my dog goes nuts. He even snarls. He doesn’t do that with our neighbors dog on the other side. The neighbors complain about our dogs barking, but they only bark a lot when they let their dog out. It’s not a good feeling! I hope things get better for you! :kissing_heart::heart::people_hugging:


Thank you @Solasta_Amore and @Sivonnah. Happy and blessed Mabon!


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