Merry merry meet

Greetings everyone! I am eclectic and just beginning my journey. There is so much to learn and sometimes I get overwhelmed. I have a house full of people and a 4 year old so most days it is hard to practice. I just keep reading and trying to learn. Some of my children support me, others snicker behind my back, I am sure of. Another one always jokes with me and tells me not to be doing that black magic on him, lol.

There seem to be so many different ways of doing things. Some tell you it has to be exact and others say itā€™s all in your intention. Iā€™ve done some small spells, leaning on my intention and not ceremony, that have turned out well.

Iā€™m struggling to pick my deities also. I lean toward Egyptian but there doesnā€™t seem to be a lot of Egyptian/wiccan info. I am intrigued by the tarot. I have 3 desks and they are each so different. Maybe I will save that until I am a little more seasoned.

Well, it has been delightful introducing myself and maybe some of us will become close along our journeys.

Merry meet


Iā€™m.john welcome to the coven and .iv been in. Practice for over 30 years. Ask if you need anything

Hecate works with me


Welcome @ audra Iā€™m new to all of this myself and I know what you mean. I have grown sons. One rolls his eyes and always has a joke about my beliefs. One is actually starting to come around, and one, well, if it makes mom happy :smile:
You just do you. Donā€™t worry too much about all the contradictions out there as to how to do things. Everyone has their own path.


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @audra

Itā€™s nice to meet you, Audra, my name is Marsha, and I am an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. Have you signed up for the Spell8 Newsletter? In the 1/27/2024 newsletter, there is some info on the Egyptian God, Thoth, that you might find interesting. There is a lot of great information here, so if you need any guidance, or have any questions, let us know. I look forward to getting to know you better. We are here for you, Audra, welcome to the family! :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Hello and welcome Iā€™m Tracy from England Loki is my patron deity. I practice chaos Magick. Make yourself at home Lovely :green_heart:


Merry meet!

Iā€™m Kat and live in North Carolina. I found the practice 30 years ago but lost my way for a while. I came home a few years ago and found this amazing group of people!! I am an eclectic Green witch with an interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (sheā€™s been with me since the beginning) and Hekate, a recent guide in my life.

The one thing Iā€™ve learned in my years of practicing, there is no one right way to practice. Your practice is your own. You do what you are comfortable with. Leave out what you arenā€™t. Some things with resonate with you, others will leave you cold. You can find inspiration and ideas from others, but make your practice your own.

This link gives you a place to start

Weā€™re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


Welcome to the coven. My name is Devenne Iā€™m a witch from Indiana. Feel free to jump :kangaroo: in.


Welcome @audra :wave: Iā€™m so happy meet you!

As @Artemisia said, your practice is just that, youā€™re own. Thereā€™s not set rules that you have to use, do, work with, anything. If it doesnā€™t feel right to you in your practice when youā€™ve given it a try one or more times, then itā€™s absolutely okay to let that go.

As well as the topic linked, since you are interested in tarot also this may be some help to you also

ā†’ :flower_playing_cards: Tarot Poems by The Gifted and Talented Amethyst, not oy does it have information about all the cards in a tarot deck it also has a few other reasources.

I would say start slow, donā€™t take on too much all at once to work on for your practice. Getting overwhelmed or a bit burnt out can happen. I do completely understand the excitement & wanting to learn ALL THE THINGS :star_struck:

Please make yourself at home & ask any questions you may have, share anything you would like to with us, jump in on any open topic, or feel free to start your own.

I look forward to talking with you more throughout the forum :infinite_roots:


Hi! Welcome! Most of what Iā€™ve learned is that each witch and/or coven has its own individual way of doing things. Rituals I always try and stick as close as possible to the way they are written. But everyday spells I will change up to suit my style of practice and have had lots of luck.

I struggled for a long time also. Just a few days ago Athena and Appolo came to me in my dreams. They are now the ones I use in my practice. I lean mostly to divination. Tarot, pendulum, etc. Iā€™m working on learning numerology now and would like to get into dream work, ruins and crystal ball gazing.

This is a great place to learn and the courses are great! If you need any help with anything there are very many insightful witches here!


Merry met, @audra and welcome! Iā€™m pretty new myself and this is an awesome coven so please never hesitate to ask about anything you donā€™t understand. Oh, and the lessons on the homepage are amazing!! Maybe thereā€™s something about Egyptian deities thereā€¦I think I remember reading something.


Hi, @audra! Iā€™m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

Itā€™s great to have you here! Seems like you have a busy life. Thatā€™s whatā€™s so great about the courses, they are in little chunks so you do do one lesson a day and not be overwhelmed.

If you have any questions, just ask, and someone will pop up to help you. I look forward to getting to know you!


@audra Welcome :hugs: Iā€™m so glad youā€™ve found us! :purple_heart: There is a wealth of knowledge here, on the site and within the coven :infinite_roots:
Iā€™m not sure if anyone mentioned this, but you might find this helpful

There is a course on tarot

And Gods and Goddesses

Iā€™ve seen tarot spreads to help choose a diety

As others have said, your practice is individual to you. It takes time to figure out what works for you! Develop and use your intuition. I use my intentions to guide my spells.

As far as deities, some people donā€™t use them. Also, donā€™t rush to decide! It also takes time to find out who feel connected to or whoā€™s calling you!

Youā€™ve certainly come to the right place for guidance and support! Weā€™re all here to help you on your journey! I hope I didnā€™t overwhelm you too much! Merry meet! :purple_heart::blush::people_hugging::purple_heart:


@ audra welcome to our company!
there are so many paths of magic!
and everything is so beautiful!
Iā€™m Airram from Greece, a witch who is constantly learning


Thank you so much!!


Hey @audra! I happened to be browsing Amazon and did see some books on there that are about Egyptian gods and Wicca!


Welcome, @audra! Itā€™s lovely to meet you. :black_heart:

Iā€™m Katerina. I currently reside in Australia. :smile: I work mostly with Hekate, Lilith, and Lucifer, and am always drawn to the night and moonā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I look forward to seeing you around and chatting spells and deities. :smile: I loved the Egyptian pantheon since I was a child. :black_heart:


Hello @audra,

Donā€™t mind me jumping on the welcome wagon too! Iā€™m Bry, one of the moderators here in the forum and an Eclectic Witch- just wanted to come by and say hello :blush:

Make yourself at home here! Blessed be :heart:


Welcome to the forum @audra :wave:

My name is Megan and Iā€™m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Itā€™s nice to meet you!

Iā€™m an eclectic witch and Celtic Pagan - Iā€™m learning more about ADF right now (a form of Druidry) but I lean heavily Irish.

You are singing the song of my people :joy: I donā€™t have a four-year-old, but I have a velcro dog (sheā€™s a Dobermanā€¦lol) that wonā€™t leave me alone ever. My daughter is almost 11, so sheā€™s a bit better about giving me space when I need it.

Anyway, I hope youā€™re finding everything alright here. If you have any questions, feel free to hop right in! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@audra I also wanted to mention that we do have others who work with the Egyptian pantheon. Most of the information can be found on the previously linked post on Egyptian Deities.

It is your practice, so there are many ways to do different things based on your area, comfort level, so please donā€™t get too overwhelmed. We all share our ideas or how we substitute or are able to do different things. So, start small then kind of work from there. You donā€™t have know, do, or have all the things. :blush: