Mindful Mercury Retrograde :tarot_card: Tarot Spread!

I wrote up a new blog post for 'Round the Cauldron this morning and wanted to share it with you all :heart: especially considering we’re now in the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde!

You can read the full post and get the card breakdown on my website here: Mindful Mercury Retrograde Tarot Spread – 'Round the Cauldron


Thanks @MeganB, any excuse for a new spread!

Random question to those who use tarot - do you always choose the signifier card? When I have a specific question or intent, I choose the signifier, and when it’s something general like this spread, I let the pack choose the signifier. Sometimes, I’ll use a rune as the signifier either with or instead of a card, if it calls me. Just curious!

x Blessed Be x


No, not always. It can go whichever way you choose, whatever you’re comfortable with. I have collected many tarot spreads which don’t even have a signifier.


Same, I’m just curious, as always lol x

x Blessed Be x


I don’t always choose a signifier myself. Usually, I’ll let the deck choose it for me. It works better for me that way :laughing: but some people find that picking a card that represents them easier than relating to a card the deck chooses randomly.


Oh lovely, always love to try a new tarot spread. I’ve got it bookmarked and have a deck in my bag to take with me to work to try out during a break!

Thank you!


I’ll show my ignorance here and say that I don’t know what is meant by a “signifier”


Glad you asked, dear.

Basically, it’s a card drawn or chosen to represent the querent (you) or issue to be handled. It’s a focus point for some layouts. In the old days, a spread wasn’t complete without one, but now a days, we are more capable of holding our intentions in mind without the reminder.


What a timely spread - this is awesome, Megan! Thank you for sharing it with us :pray: :astrology_mercury: :flower_playing_cards:


I was just deliberating about this and I think I will let the deck choose for this one.


A signifier is a card you choose to represent a situation or person. So if I am doing a spread and it says to choose a signifier for myself and/or another person, I would choose the card that energetically represents me and/or another person. Court cards are most commonly used to represent people, but I have also chosen Major and Minor Arcana cards, depending on what the reading is about. If you are choosing a signifier for the situation, any card can be used, as long as it represents the energy of the situation.

Someone else might have a different way of practicing or be able to explain it better, but this is how my practice has evolved.


You’re welcome! I’m getting ready to do the spread for myself sometime today :laughing: I’ve gotta find the time!

A signifier is just a card that represents you in the moment. Some people choose a card themselves, one that represents their energy for how they’re feeling in the moment. Others shuffle the deck and let the deck choose the card for them based on the energy transferred during shuffling and pulling a card.

For this spread, here is how I’ve described the signifier card:

“This card represents you during the retrograde period. If you have a card you feel represents you well, feel free to choose it from the deck ahead of time. If you don’t and would like the cards to choose one for you, shuffle the deck, calm your thoughts, and pull a card.”

Thank you, Bry! :revolving_hearts:


Hey @jayne,

I found this in my BoSs (sorry I can’t remember where from), thought it might help. I’ve included the first of the author’s answers, let me know if you want the rest!

It’s also worth saying that if you or the querent/client have your own card that you feel signifies you - maybe you get that card a lot, or it resonates with you - then you should use that card as your signifier (if you’re using one). And it might change, just as your energy/question/situation will change - I think what matters most is the feeling.

x Blessed Be x


@Nikki-Phoenix I’d love to see the rest, I’d like to see more of the author’s answers, so I can see how they fit to the querent.


Here it is @jayne, sorry days have been disappearing lately!

x Blessed Be x